Sunday 6 August 2017

Forex Trader Lönsamhets Statistik On Inhemska Våld

Varför professionell sport har inte fungerat i Las Vegas. Med en 2010 storstadsstatistikområde MSA-befolkningen på nästan 2 miljoner, Las Vegas är den 30: e största staden i USA. Stadens MSA-befolkning sätter den i samma peer-grupp som Cleveland, Kansas City, Cincinnati och Indianapolis En skarp skillnad mellan Las Vegas och dess peer cities är dock att Las Vegas är hemma för inga större professionella sportfranchise. Las Vegas är faktiskt den största staden i USA av MSA som inte har stor proffs Sport Det närmaste som staden har är ett mindre liga baseballlag, Las Vegas 51s. Failed Las Vegas Professional Sports Attempts. Även om professionella sportlag har försökts i Las Vegas, var ingen från de fyra stora ligorna i USA National Football League NFL, National Basketball Association NBA, Major League Baseball MLB och National Hockey League NHL. Den kanadensiska fotbollsleden försökte expandera till amerikanska marknader, inklusive Las Vegas, år 199 4 Men dess Las Vegas-franchise vikade efter en säsong av lek, med liga chefer som citerar stora förluster på box office som orsaken. Under 2001 inkluderade XFLs debut Las Vegas Outlaws. Den hela ligan löst efter sin första säsong på grund av att Brist på lönsamhet. Ett annat försök till prosportering i Las Vegas kom 2009 när United States Football League framträdde som en hoppfull konkurrent till NFL. Det var en framgångsrik försöksgrupp med sina roster av team som var ett i Las Vegas. Lag och liga som håller tre säsonger Men båda gick under 2012 och från och med 2015 har inga ytterligare försök gjorts för att sätta ett professionellt sportlag i Las Vegas. Utmaningar för professionella sportlag i Las Vegas. Industrianalytiker citerar flera anledningar till varför Professionell sport har ännu inte blivit livskraftig i Las Vegas, trots att staden är en robust marknad när det gäller befolkningen. En anledning är den unika karaktären hos stadens arbetskraft. Underhållningsindustrin sysselsätter En stor andel arbetare i Las Vegas och det här betyder mycket skiftarbete, helgarbete och oförutsägbara timmar. Medan ungefär samma antal personer bor i Las Vegas-området som bor i Cleveland eller Cincinnati, är en mycket mindre andel av dem Invånare är tillgängliga för att spendera sina söndagar på arenan som hyser på ett NFL-lag Pro sportliga ligor försöker att schemalägga spel ibland när det högsta antalet fans är avstängda och kan delta i. Men dessa tider är mindre likformiga och mindre konkreta i en stad Som Las Vegas, vilket gör det mer utmanande att fylla platser. Las Vegas har också en mängd underhållningsalternativ som kan ge professionella idrottslag med alltför stor konkurrens om lokalbefolkningen och diskretionära utgifter. Kasinoer, klubbar, utställningar och andra nattklubbar i världsklass blinkar ständigt , Och en dag på ballparken eller inuti en skridskoåkning blir mindre lockande när de står ihop med dessa flashigare val. Det är tveksamt att ett Las Vegas-sportlag kunde dansa Nt på ett fullt hus varje helg när de regelbundet tävlar mot måste-se boxning och UFC-kort, och en gång i livet-konserter.3 Skandaler som väntar på att hända. Stigmen i Las Vegas som spelcasen i USA Är fortfarande en viktig avstängning för professionella sportliga ligor Även utseendet på möjliga oegentligheter är tillräckligt för att göra ligor mycket försiktiga om att placera en franchise i Las Vegas. Ligor intensifierar sina ansträngningar för att presentera sin sport som en hälsosam och familjeorienterad underhållning. Frågor som våld i hemmet NFL och prestationshöjande narkotikamissbruk i MLB har presenterat nog av en PR-mardrömsledare som är försiktiga om att eventuellt lägga till spel till mixen. Höjdpunkten för Hockey. En professionell sportsliga, NHL, har Las Vegas på sin expansionskortlista Från och med 2015 Den liga har flera orsaker till optimism om lönsamheten för en Las Vegas-franchise En försökssäsongskortbiljett ökade 11 000 i biljettförsäljningen MGM är alre Ady bygger en lämplig arena med en kapacitet på över 17 000 på Las Vegas-stripen. Företagskunder har föreslagit att köpa säsongsbiljetter om och när de blir tillgängliga. Trots dessa positiva tecken uppgav liganledare i april 2015 att en expansion till Las Vegas, om Det händer, kommer inte att ske före 2017 Plus, det finns alltid en oro för att den tidiga räntan kommer att blekna som många andra Vegas-nyhetshandlingar, vilket innebär att NHL med ett andra konkurshockeymedlem undviker i öknen. En FOREX eller ändra bedrägerierna är någon Handelssystem används för att övertyga näringsidkare som kan ha höga vinster genom handel på valutamarknaden förtjänar att luras Valutamarknaden har blivit scam du jour i början av 2008, enligt Michael Dunn från Commodity Futures Trading Commission 1 Men marknaden var dock Länge plågad av bedrägerier på hösten hade varit godis, säger New York Times 2 Det genomsnittliga offeret förlorar individuell valutahandel runt 15 000, enligt CFTC-poster, en Enligt The Wall Street Journal 3 Den nordamerikanska Securities Administrators Association säger att utanför försäljningen Valutaväxling av enskilda investerare, i bästa fall riskabelt och i värsta fall bedrägeri enkelt och enkelt 4. I ett typfall är investerare lovade tiotusentals dollar inom veckor Eller månader, med en initial investering på endast 5.000 Ofta har investeraren pengarna aldrig riktigt på marknaden genom en legit, men helt enkelt avledas - stulen - för tjuvens personliga nytta 5. I augusti 2008 arbetade CFTC hoc Grupp för att ta itu med bedrägeri, växte valutareserver skapades 6. Forexmarknaden är ett nollsumspel 7 vilket innebär att han var en näringsidkarevinst, en annan förlorar, förutom mäklaravgifter och andra transaktionskostnader dras av resultaten från alla handlare, Tekniskt gör Forex en negativ summa spel. Dessa bedrägerier kan slå kundkonton är för att generera provision, sälja programvara, förmodligen för kunden att stora vinster Gui De 8 inte riktigt förvaltade managed accounts 9, falsk annonsering, 10 Ponzi-system och bedrägeri 4 11 hänvisar även till någon valutahandel detaljhandelshandel indikerar att handel är inblandad i lågriskinvesteringar och hög lönsamhet 12.Den råvara S Futures Trading Commission CFTC Som reglerar utländsk valuta fritt i USA registrerade en ökning av mängden skrupelös verksamhet i den tredje bankens valutahandel 13. En tjänsteman från National Futures Association citerades som att valutamarknaden på detaljhandeln har ökat avsevärt de senaste åren Tyvärr har mängden förexbedrägerier ökat dramatiskt 14 Mellan 2001 och 2006 åtalade US Commodity Futures Trading Commission över 80 fall av bedrägeri med mer än 23 000 kunder som förlorade 350 miljoner US-dollar. Från 2001 till 2007 har cirka 26 000 människor förlorat 460 Miljoner i bedrägeri i Forex 1 CNN citerade Godfried de Vidts, ordförande för Financial Markets Association, en E Uropeisk kropp med orden Bankerna har en skyldighet att skydda sina kunder och måste se till att bankwebbplatser förstår kunden, vad de gör Men när folk går online, inte på hur denna kontroll utförs. I ett vanligt fall, där investerare är lovade, tiotusentals dollar tjänar några veckor eller månader, med en initial investering på endast 5000. Ofta investeras pengarna aldrig på marknaden genom ett legitimt mål som helt enkelt avledas - stulen - för Personliga fördelar med bedragaren 5. I augusti 2008 har CFTC etablerat en särskild arbetsgrupp för att växa valutareserver till bedrägeri 6. Forexmarknaden är ett nollsumspel 7 vilket innebär att oberoende av dealern vinner, förlorar en annan, Med undantag för mäklarkommissioner och andra transaktionskostnader, tekniskt att resultaten av alla operatörer, valuta negativa summan kommer att dras av. Dessa bedrägerier kan innefatta agitation kundkonton i produktionen, försäljning av programvara, förmodligen till kunden, för att styra större Förmåner 8 inte hanteras på rätt sätt förvaltade konton 9, vilseledande reklam 10 och Ponzi-system är bedrägeri 4 11 hänvisar också till eventuella valutahandlare, vilket indikerar att utrikeshandeln är lågrisk, hej Gh belöning investering 12. U-varan S Futures Trading Commission CFTC som reglerar utländsk valuta fritt i USA var en ökning av mängden skrupelfri aktivitet i den tredje bankens valutahandel noterade 13. En tjänsteman från National Futures Association har Har använt orden Forexmarknaden detaljhandel har citerat ökningen de senaste åren Tyvärr har mängden valutafrågor också ökat dramatiskt 14 Mellan 2001 och 2006 har U-handeln S Futures Trading Commission mer än 80 bedrägerier där mer än 23 000 Kunder som förlorade 350 miljoner amerikanska följde Från 2001 till 2007 uppgick cirka 26 000 förluster på 460 miljarder dollar i handelsbedrägeri 1 CNN Godfried de Vidts, ordförande för Financial Markets Association, en europeisk organ med orden, har skyldighet att skydda bankerna , Deras kunder och se till att du förstår vilka kunder, vad de gör Nåväl när människor går online, gjorda i portalerna utanför banken, hur är det här kontrollera. Däremot är det viktigt att investerare kan få dollar i dollar i pengar, vilket innebär att de inte är så mycket som möjligt, men det är inte så mycket som möjligt. Souvent, jag argenterar mig för investeraren, och jag är en av de mest krävande frågorna i dag. Lgitime återförsäljare av Förenta nationerna, mais simplement dtourner - vols - pour le bnfice Escrocs personal 5.Om aot 2008, CFTC ett uppdrag spciale une platsen för arbetsgruppen hänga faire ansikte la fraude des croissants ändringar 6.Le marsch du Forex est Un jeu somme nulle 7, ce qui signifie que ce ce ce commerant Gagne, perd l autre, om de provisioner som domstolen och auktorisera handlar om transaktionen är avgörande för att de handlar om dem handlare, Forex Techniquement faire un jeu en negativ Somme. Det är otroligt bra att du har Barat kundkonton, men det är bara Gnrer-provisionerna, men du är en ledande leverantör av CENSE-kunden, det är 8 års garanti. Kompis 9, publicity menonge, 10 Les regimes et Ponzi bedrägeri rent och enkelt 4 11 För att se till att det är en kommersiell förändring i framtiden, är det viktigt att en kommersiell förändring är en förutsättning för investeringar. 12. Den amerikanska råvaran Futures Trading Commission CFTC, Rglement qui le march des changes Vaguement dans les Etats-Unis, en ökning Observera volymen är aktiv med hänsyn till icke-förändring banque trangre de l Industrie 13. En fonctionnaire av National Futures Association en disant T cit comme Forex handel i detalj en augment de faon spectaculaire au cours des dernires annes Malheureusement, le montant de la fraude Forex en galement augment de faon spectaculaire 14 Mellan 2001 och 2006, US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 80 poursuivi en plus les cas Impliquant escroquer mer än 23.000 kunder qui ont perdu 350 miljoner Från 2001 till 2007, Miljö 26.000 personer per år 460 miljoner euro Forex Bedrägeri 1 CNN quo Ted Godfried de Vidts, presidenten av Förenade kungarikets finansförbund, FN-organismen, Komme disant, Les banques ont han devoir de protger leurs clients och ils devautient faire av försäkringsgivare kunder bancaires portaler comprennent les ce quils typsnitt Eller, om du inte kommer En liknin, är inte en riktig kommentar. I ett vanligt fall kan investerare bli utlovade tiotusentals dollar i vinst om några veckor eller månader, med en initial investering på endast 5000. Ofta placerades investerarnas pengar aldrig på marknaden genom en legit utan bara avledas - stulen - för personliga fördelarna med skurkarna 5. I augusti 2008 skapade CFTC en särskild arbetsgrupp för att ta itu med det växande valutakursbedräget 6. Forexmarknaden är ett nollsumspel, 7 vilket innebär att vad som helst en näringsidkare vinster , En annan förlorar, förutom mäklare provisioner och andra transaktionskostnader subtraheras från resultaten av alla handlare, blir Forex tekniskt en negativ summa spel. Dessa bedrägerier kan innefatta agitation kundkonton med syftet att generera provisioner, sälja programvara som ska styra Kund till stora vinster, 8, misshandel av hanterade konton, 9, falsk reklam 10 och Ponzi-ordningar direkt bedrägeri 4 11 hänvisar också till eventuella valutahandlare detaljhandel, vilket indikerar att f Oreign handel är låg risk investering med hög avkastning 12. US Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC som reglerar utländsk valuta fritt i USA, sade att öka i mängden skrupelfri aktivitet i den tredje bankens valutahandel 13. En tjänsteman i National Futures Association citerades som att Forexmarknaden på detaljhandeln har ökat dramatiskt de senaste åren Tyvärr har andelen bedrägerier också ökat dramatiskt 14 Mellan 2001 och 2006 har US Commodity Futures Trading Commission åtalat över 80 fall som involverar Stöld av mer än 23 000 miljoner kunder som förlorade 350 Från 2001 till 2007 förlorade cirka 26 000 människor 460 miljoner i valutafrågor 1 CNN citerade Godfried de Vidts, ordförande för Financial Markets Association, en europeisk organisation, säger att bankerna är skyldiga att skydda Sina kunder och bör se till att dörrbankkunderna förstår vad som gör nu, om folk är online, på icke-hur Är denna kontroll utförd I en gång hölls de typiska versionerna som Investors von Zehntausende Dollar Werd i nur wenkte Wochen oder Monaten, med en annan förtroende Investering 5.000 Oft Investor hat der Money inte wirklich ist durch ein dem Markt lade legitim Hndler, sondern einfach umgeleitet - gestohlen - zum persnlichen Vorteil der Gauner 5.Im augusti 2008 höll arbetsgruppen CFTC eine auf die spezielle Devisenreserven wachsenden Betrugs-Adresse eingerichtet 6.Der Markt ist ein Nullsummenspiel Forex 7, var bedeutet, dass das, var gewinnt Kaufmann, förliert eine ander is Maklerprovisionen ser till och andra sind av den Ergebnissen Transaktionskostnaderna av allmängiltiga återförsäljare, valutakurser och tekniskt negativa Summer-Spiel. Beskrnkung Diese kan på Buttern-Accounts från Kunden sind, om zu Provisionen generieren, den Vertrieb von Software, die an Kunden angeblich, Hohe Gewinne Fhrer, 8 ordnungsgem verwaltet nicht Managed Accounts 9, Falsche Werbung, 10 Ponzi-Systeme und Be Trug 4 11 Darber hinaus bezieht sich auf jede Einzelhandel Forex Mäklare, som darauf hinweisen, dass der Handel är en Investment Handelstehnehmer Riskkostnad Risiko und mit Höftabilitet 12.Den amerikanska Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC, som dömer förlorar Devisenmarkt i den Vereinigten Staaten , Verzeichnete einen Anstieg i Hö von Skrupellosen Aktivitet i Nicht-Bank-Devisen-Industrie 13.En Beamter der National Futures Association sitter med Worten Retail Forex-Handel, som är i den lätthet Jahren stark sugenommen Leader hat die de Devisen-Betrug Drastiskt sett är det 14 år sedan 2001 och 2006 som US-Commodity Futures Trading Commission var 80 miljoner, som döptes av mer än 23.000 kunder, som förlorade 350 miljoner dollar för 2001 till 2007 och 26.000 miljoner på en gång i 460 Betrug Forex Auf dem lost 1 CNN berichtete, Godfried De Vidts, Vorsitzender des Financial Markets Association, europese Inrichtung mit mit Worten Die Die Banken der Pflicht, ihre Kunden zu schtzen und sie zen Gewerste Banking-Portale zu, dass die Kunden verstehen, was ain Aber wenn die Die Leute online gehen, nicht auf, wie ist Kontrolle durchgefhrt wird. Typisk I en Fall av Investerare versuschen Zehntausende Dollar Gewinn werden in wenken Wochen of Monaten, mit nur einer von anfnglich Investition 5000 Hufig ist der Investor niet wirklich das Geld durch ein dem dem Markt platzierte legitime dealers, Ziel einfach umgeleitet - gestohlen - zum Persnlichen Vorteil der Betrger 5.Im August 2008 hat die Einrichtung einer speziellen Arbeitsgruppe CFTC, om die wachsenden Devisenreserven Betrgereien a 6.Forex Der Markt ist ein Null-Summer-Spiel 7, var utrustad, dass unabhngig von einem Hndler gewinnt, ein anderer verliert , Är den andra, och andra transaktioner, transaktioner och transaktioner, valutakurser och tekniskt negativa - summan av de ovanstående spjälkningarna. Diese knnte auf Beschrnkung-Accounts Buttermenge des Kunden från Zwecke der Erstellung einzubeziehen, Verkauf von Software, dö Den Kunden angeblich, hohe Gewinne Fhrer, 8 ordnungsgem verwaltet nicht Managed Accounts, 9 falsche Werbung 10 un D Ponzi-Systeme Betrug 4 11 Darber Hinaus är en av de bästa Forexmäklare, Däremot andra, Dass der Devisenhandel Geringes Risiko ist ein, Hoher Gewinn Investitionen 12.Den amerikanska Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC, dömer den förlorar Devisenmarkt in den Vereinigten Staaten Wurde ein Anstieg i Hö von Skrupellosen Aktivitet i Nicht-Banken Devisen Industrie Noted 13.Ein Beamter National Futures Association Wurde der mit den Worten Retail-Forex-Handel hat i den gången Jahren sugenommen zitiert Leider hat die Hhe der Devisen-Betrug drastisch Det är 14 år sedan 2001 och 2006 som US Commodity Futures Trading Commission har mer än 80 Fllen, vilket motsvarar 23 000 betalningar, vilket förlorat 350 miljoner dollar för 2001-2007, ca 26 000 460 miljoner Devisenhandel Betrug 1 CNN meddelandeete, Godfried De Vidts, Przident des Financial Markets Association, Europische Einrichtung mit mit Worten, Bank Men jag är dödlig, men jag vet inte vad du gör, men du är välkommen, men du är inte ensam med Leute online, men du är inte en bank-portal. Vad är det för kontrollen? Om du inte är en typ av investerare, kan du se till att du får mer än tusen dollar för att hjälpa dig med att ta del av dina frågor, för att du ska kunna börja med att sälja 5000 Souvent, jag argentinera att du är en plats där du är intresserad av ett par frågor. I intermdiaire d un concessionnaire lgitime, mais simplement dtourner - vols - pour le bnfice des Escrocs personal 5.En aot 2008, CFTC en misslyckad arbetsgrupp spciale pour faire ansikte la fraude croissante des changes 6.Le marsch du Forex est Un jeu somme nulle 7, med en signifikant uppgift på den kommersiella marknaden, du är en av dem, får dig att ta del av de kommissioner som du har att göra med transaktionerna, inte bara för dem som säljer dem, valutakurser, men det är inte så bra. Escroquerie barattage du kommer att inkludere de komptes kunderna men inte könen könsbestämmer, men du är välkommen att klara folkräkningsguiden för grossisterna, 8 är inte korrigerade Mptes geres 9, mensongre publicit, 10 Les rgimes et la fraude Ponzi ren och enkel 4 11 Il se refere galement tout dtail forex courtier qui l förändring indikerar att kommersiell leverantör är en av de största företagen. Futures Trading Commission CFTC, Vaguement rglementer qui le march des changes dans les Etats-Unis, en anteckning om en ökning av volymen som du kan göra för att hantera och förändra bankkontrollen av industrin 13. En fonktionär av National Futures Association at cit Comme disant Forex trading de dtail en extraordinär au kours des dernires annes Malheureusement, le montant de la fraude Forexgalement augment de faon spectaculaire 14 Mellan 2001 och 2006 överlämnade US Commodity Futures Trading Commission till Poursuivi plus de 80 cas impliquant les plus Escroquer av 23 000 kunder qui ont perdu 350 miljoner de dollar från 2001 till 2007, 26000 personer sönder milj 460 miljoner de dollar des Sur le Forex bedrägeri 1 CNN citerade Godfried De Vidts, president för de federala finansföretagen, ett organ som är en av de ledande aktörerna, och det är han som är ansvarig för att skydda sina kunder och att göra sig skyldiga till att försäkra sig om sina kunder Typsnitt eller, om det inte är så likt, är det inte en kommentar som gör det möjligt att prata. I ett typfall kan investerare utlovas tiotusentals dollar i vinst på bara några veckor eller månader, med en initial investering på endast 5000. Ofta placeras investerarnas pengar aldrig på marknaden genom en legitim återförsäljare, men Helt enkelt avledas - stulen - för personliga fördelar för con artisterna 5. I augusti 2008 inrättade CFTC en särskild arbetsgrupp för att hantera växande valutakursbedrägeri 6. Forexmarknaden är ett nollsumman spel, 7 vilket betyder att det som helst En näringsidkare vinster, en annan förlorar, förutom att mäklarkommissioner och andra transaktionskostnader subtraheras från resultaten av alla handlare, vilket gör att det är tekniskt att göra forex till ett negativt summa spel. Dessa bedrägerier kan innefatta churning av kundkonton i syfte att generera provisioner, sälja programvara Som ska leda kunden till stora vinster, 8 felaktigt förvaltade förvaltade konton, 9 falsk annonsering, 10 Ponzi-system och direkt bedrägeri 4 11 Det hänvisar också till någon detaljhandel förex-mäklare som jag Ndicates att handel med utländsk valuta är en lågriskinvestering med hög vinst 12. Den amerikanska Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC, som löst reglerar valutamarknaden i USA, har noterat en ökning av mängden skrupelös verksamhet i den icke-banken Valutahandel 13. En tjänsteman från National Futures Association citerades som sagt, Retail Forex Trading har ökat dramatiskt under de senaste åren Tyvärr har mängden förexbedrägerier också ökat dramatiskt 14 Mellan 2001 och 2006 US Commodity Futures Trading Commission Har åtalat mer än 80 ärenden INVOLVERAR BEDRÄDDNINGEN av mer än 23 000 kunder som förlorat 350 miljoner Från 2001 till 2007 förlorade cirka 26 000 personer 460 miljoner i valutafusk 1 CNN citerade Godfried De Vidts, VD för finansmarknadsföreningen, en europeisk Kropp, som säger, bankerna har en plikt att skydda sina kunder och de bör se till att kunderna förstår vad de gör n Ow om folk går online, på icke-bankportaler, hur går det med kontrollen. Ordet själv betyder med Namnordbok ett staket eller inom ett område av land eller som ett sätt att skydda. Funktionsskydd för personen för samma förlust , Eller undvik risken för engagemang. På de finansiella marknaderna används termen i stor utsträckning och används av investeringshus och mäkleri i byggnadsstrategier och verktyg för att skydda rättegången för att skydda investerarnas medel och därmed locka till sig investeringar. På valutamarknaden baseras detta på , Och det finns två huvudprinciper för termen, den första är som nämnts ovan betyder att guvernörens investeringsinnehåll inte ska utsättas för förluster som företag ställer för att attrahera investeringar. Den andra saken Alhdj eller staket eller skyddsstatus som en strategihandel i Forex marknaden Forex. Appropriate för att börja lära sig att inte alla mäklarfirmor ger denna makt att handla några av anledningarna är .- Vissa företag ser strategi handel är inte lämplig för nästan intakt, men instituti Experter på handeln. Det är länkat till att hålla centren öppna under långa dagar, vilket leder till praktiskt upplupen intresse och eftersom vissa företag vill sätta undan den rullande in i ringen. Det kan bli en hög kostnad för att inte tala om frågan Av laglighet i det .- Några företag ser som en bedräglig strategi för näringsidkaren hade ritats av en serie, men ett komplext nätverk av centra skulle inte kunna hantera det enkelt. Hur får man Alhdj Hedge eller vad är processen med att Hedging. When det öppnar ett centrum och arbetar för att uppnå status, förlusten av att rulla öppningen av en räknare så att den har tvärriktning motsatt, kommer inte Oavsett Zer denna trend nu blir förlusten installerad på numret som har öppnat Andra plats eftersom en av centren kommer att bli lika med förlusten av andra centrum skulle uppnå ett viktigt förändringspris. Köp EUR USD EUR USD 100000 till priset av 0 9875. Priset har flyttats ner till 0 9825 - förlusten flytande Flytande Förlusten är 500. Det tar rollen G upplösning nytt centrum och inte status för stängning - mittemot första. Sale Center EUR USD EUR USD 100000 till priset av 0 9825.What är nu fallet.- Förlust på 500 fast-Why.- Om priset flyttas till 0 9750 första plats den andra förlusten av 1250 vinst 750 skillnaden förlusten på 500.- Till Othrk pris till 0 9975 första plats vann 1000 och den andra förlusten av 1500 förlust av 500 skillnad. Så oberoende av pris. Det är sant att rullande Nu har feber eller välj förlusten, men hur är det för att komma ut ur denna situation. Det enklaste alternativet är att stänga centra och acceptans av förlust, men arbetar huvudsakligen praktiserad säkring eftersom han inte vill att förlusten ska ha en Trading strategy. To hantera situationen och hennes hjärta att bli av med vinsten eller förlusten. Vi arbetar också i specifika steg enligt ditt krav Vi insåg för länge sedan att deras framgång bygger på pålitligheten av våra tjänster till dem Av denna anledning, Vi håller oss ständigt uppdaterade inom tekniktjänster, knowl Kanten av kundens verksamhet och konsten att producera pålitliga, innovativa och effektiva mjukvarulösningar Forex Hoster Indonesia Fondbörs Avgifter Våra tjänster har stängts Tack för din förståelse Våra kunder tycker om oss för att vi tydligt förstår deras behov och för att vi har kunnat Att erbjuda dem kostnadsbesparingar tillsammans med utmärkt service, högkvalitativa mjukvarutjänster Många amerikanska och europeiska företag har gett oss gratulationer för de anpassade mjukvaruutveckling och underhållstjänster som vi tillhandahöll dem. 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The New York Times. How a Mexican Drug Cartel Makes Its Billions. By PATRICK RADDEN KEEFE. June 15, 2012.One afternoon last August, at a hospital on the outskirts of Los Angeles, a former beauty queen named Emma Coronel gave birth to a pair of heiresses The twins, who were delivered at 3 50 and 3 51, respectively, stand to inherit some share of a f ortune that Forbes estimates is worth a billion dollars Coronel s husband, who was not present for the birth, is a legendary tycoon who overcame a penurious rural childhood to establish a wildly successful multinational business If Coronel elected to leave the entry for Father on the birth certificates blank, it was not because of any dispute over patrimony More likely, she was just skittish about the fact that her husband, Joaqun Guzmn, is the C E O of Mexico s Sinaloa cartel, a man the Treasury Department recently described as the world s most powerful drug trafficker Guzmn s organization is responsible for as much as half of the illegal narcotics imported into the United States from Mexico each year he may well be the most-wanted criminal in this post-Bin Laden world But his bride is a U S citizen with no charges against her So authorities could only watch as she bundled up her daughters and slipped back across the border to introduce them to their dad. Known as El Chapo for his shor t, stocky frame, Guzmn is 55, which in narco-years is about 150 He is a quasi-mythical figure in Mexico, the subject of countless ballads, who has outlived enemies and accomplices alike, defying the implicit bargain of a life in the drug trade that careers are glittering but brief and always terminate in prison or the grave When Pablo Escobar was Chapo s age, he had been dead for more than a decade In fact, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration, Chapo sells more drugs today than Escobar did at the height of his career To some extent, this success is easily explained as Hillary Clinton acknowledged several years ago, America s insatiable demand for illegal drugs is what drives the clandestine industry It s no accident that the world s biggest supplier of narcotics and the world s biggest consumer of narcotics just happen to be neighbors Poor Mexico, its former president Porfirio Daz is said to have remarked So far from God and so close to the United States. The Sinaloa cartel can buy a kilo of cocaine in the highlands of Colombia or Peru for around 2,000, then watch it accrue value as it makes its way to market In Mexico, that kilo fetches more than 10,000 Jump the border to the United States, and it could sell wholesale for 30,000 Break it down into grams to distribute retail, and that same kilo sells for upward of 100,000 more than its weight in gold And that s just cocaine Alone among the Mexican cartels, Sinaloa is both diversified and vertically integrated, producing and exporting marijuana, heroin and methamphetamine as well. Estimating the precise scale of Chapo s empire is tricky, however Statistics on underground economies are inherently speculative cartels don t make annual disclosures, and no auditor examines their books Instead, we re left with back-of-the-envelope extrapolations based on conjectural data, much of it supplied by government agencies that may have bureaucratic incentives to overplay the problem. So in a spirit of empirical humility, we shouldn t accept as gospel the estimate, from the Justice Department, that Colombian and Mexican cartels reap 18 billion to 39 billion from drug sales in the United States each year That range alone should give you pause Still, even if you take the lowest available numbers, Sinaloa emerges as a titanic player in the global black market In the sober reckoning of the RAND Corporation, for instance, the gross revenue that all Mexican cartels derive from exporting drugs to the United States amounts to only 6 6 billion By most estimates, though, Sinaloa has achieved a market share of at least 40 percent and perhaps as much as 60 percent, which means that Chapo Guzmn s organization would appear to enjoy annual revenues of some 3 billion comparable in terms of earnings to Netflix or, for that matter, to Facebook. The drug war in Mexico has claimed more than 50,000 lives since 2006 But what tends to get lost amid coverage of this epic bloodletting is just how effective the drug business has become A close study of the Sinaloa cartel, based on thousands of pages of trial records and dozens of interviews with convicted drug traffickers and current and former officials in Mexico and the United States, reveals an operation that is global it is active in more than a dozen countries yet also very nimble and, above all, staggeringly complex Sinaloa didn t merely survive the recession it has thrived in recent years And after prevailing in some recent mass-casualty clashes, it now controls more territory along the border than ever. Chapo always talks about the drug business, wherever he is, one erstwhile confidant told a jury several years ago, describing a driven, even obsessive entrepreneur with a proclivity for micromanagement From the remote mountain redoubt where he is believed to be hiding, surrounded at all times by a battery of gunmen, Chapo oversees a logistical network that is as sophisticated, in some ways, as that of Amazon or U P S doubly sophisticated, when you think about it, because traffickers must move both their product and their profits in secret, and constantly maneuver to avoid death or arrest As a mirror image of a legal commodities business, the Sinaloa cartel brings to mind that old line about Ginger Rogers doing all the same moves as Fred Astaire, only backward and in heels In its longevity, profitability and scope, it might be the most successful criminal enterprise in history. The state of Sinaloa, from which the cartel derives its name, lies wedged between the Sierra Madre Occidental a nd Mexico s west coast Sun-blasted and remote, Sinaloa is the Sicily of Mexico, both cradle and refuge of violent men, and the ancestral land of many of the country s most notorious traffickers Chapo was born in a village called La Tuna, in the foothills of the Sierra, in 1957 His formal education ended in third grade, and as an adult, he has reportedly struggled to read and write, prevailing upon a ghostwriter, at one point, to compose letters to his mistress Little is known about Chapo s early years, but by the 1980s, he joined the Guadalajara cartel, which was run by a former policeman known as El Padrino the Godfather. For decades, Mexican smugglers had exported homegrown marijuana and heroin to the United States But as the Colombian cocaine boom gathered momentum in the 1980s and U S law enforcement began patrolling the Caribbean, the Colombians went in search of an alternate route to the United States and discovered one in Mexico Initially, Mexican traffickers, like a pudgy 25-yea r-old airplane pilot named Miguel Angel Martnez, acted as independent contractors who were paid a fee by the Colombians to move their cargo In 1986, the Guadalajara cartel dispatched Martnez to the Colombian port of Barranquilla, in the hope that someone might commission him to fly drugs up to Mexico But Martnez couldn t find any takers and ended up languishing in Colombia for months, worrying that he had blown his big opportunity with the cartel Eventually, he caught a commercial flight back to Mexico, and shortly thereafter, he was summoned to a meeting with Chapo, who was by then an underboss in the cartel You were very well behaved in Colombia, Chapo told him, according to subsequent testimony He seemed impressed by Martnez s patience in waiting for an assignment. Having passed this test, Martnez started working for Chapo as a kind of air traffic controller, negotiating directly with the Cali and Medelln cartels, then guiding their cocaine flights from South America to secret runway s in barren stretches of Mexico Martnez knew U S agents were monitoring his radio communications, so rather than say a word, he would whistle a signal to the pilots that they were cleared for takeoff. With the decline of the Caribbean route, the Colombians started paying Mexican smugglers not in cash but in cocaine More than any other factor, it was this transition that realigned the power dynamics along the narcotics supply chain in the Americas, because it allowed the Mexicans to stop serving as logistical middlemen and invest in their own drugs instead In 1986, Martnez couldn t land a gig as a lowly courier in Barranquilla Not five years later, he was marshaling hundreds of flights laden with cocaine for Chapo Sometimes we would get five planes a night, he remembered Sometimes 16 Now it was the Colombians who went hat in hand to Chapo, looking not to hire him to move their product but to sell it to him outright They would tip Martnez 25,000 just to get an audience with the man. The yo ung pilot became a gatekeeper to the ascendant kingpin, fielding his phone calls and accompanying him on foreign trips There s a vaudevillian goofiness to nicknames in Mexico, and the stout Martnez was known in the cartel as El Gordo He and Chapo Fatty and Shorty made quite a pair Japan, Hong Kong, India, all of Europe, Martnez recalled in testimony Chapo owned a fleet of Learjets, and together, they saw the whole world They both used cocaine as well, a habit that Chapo would eventually give up When a lawyer inquired, years later, whether he had been Chapo s right-hand man, Martnez replied that he might have been, but that Guzmn had five left hands and five right hands He s an octopus, Chapo Guzmn, he said For his efforts, Martnez was paid a million dollars a year, in a single annual installment In cash, in a suitcase, each December When Martnez s son was born, Chapo asked to serve as godfather. In 1989, Chapo s mentor, El Padrino, was captured by Mexican authorities, and the remaining members of the Guadalajara cartel assembled in Acapulco to determine which smuggling route each capo would inherit According to Ioan Grillo s book, El Narco, the meeting was ostensibly a gathering of friends But the shards of El Padrino s organization would become the basis for the Tijuana, Jurez and Sinaloa cartels, and these onetime colleagues would soon become antagonists in a cycle of bloody turf wars that continues to this day. Drug cartel, it turns out, is a whopper of a misnomer neither the Mexicans nor the Colombians ever colluded to fix prices or supply I wish they were cartels, Arturo Sarukhn, Mexico s ambassador in Washington, told me If they were, they wouldn t be fighting and driving up the violence. At first, Chapo s organization controlled a single smuggling route, through western Mexico into Arizona But by 1990, it was moving three tons of cocaine each month over the border, and from there, to Los Angeles The Sinaloa has always distinguished itself by the eclectic means it uses to transport drugs Working with Colombian suppliers, cartel operatives moved cocaine into Mexico in small private aircraft and in baggage smuggled on commercial flights and eventually on their own 747s, which they could load with as much as 13 tons of cocaine They used container ships and fishing vessels and go-fast boats and submarines crude semi-submersibles at first, then fully submersible subs, conceived by engineers and constructed under the canopy of the Amazon, then floated downriver in pieces and assembled at the coastline These vessels can cost more than a million dollars, but to the smugglers, they are effectively disposable In the event of an interception by the Coast Guard, someone onboard pulls a lever that floods the interior so that the evidence sinks only the crew is left bobbing in the water, waiting to be picked up by the authorities. Moving cocaine is a capital-intensive business, but the cartel subsidizes these investments with a ready source of easy income marijuana Cannabis is often described as the cash crop of Mexican cartels because it grows abundantly in the Sierras and requires no processing But it s bulkier than cocaine, and smellier, which makes it difficult to conceal So marijuana tends to cross the border far from official ports of entry The cartel makes sandbag bridges to ford the Colorado River and sends buggies loaded with weed bouncing over the Imperial Sand Dunes into Cal ifornia Michael Braun, the former chief of operations for the D E A told me a story about the construction of a high-tech fence along a stretch of border in Arizona They erect this fence, he said, only to go out there a few days later and discover that these guys have a catapult, and they re flinging hundred-pound bales of marijuana over to the other side He paused and looked at me for a second A catapult, he repeated We ve got the best fence money can buy, and they counter us with a 2,500-year-old technology. Improvisation is a trafficker s greatest asset, and in recent years, Sinaloa has devised an even more efficient solution to the perennial challenge of getting marijuana across the border Grow it here Several years ago, a hunter was trekking through the remote North Woods of Wisconsin when he stumbled upon a vast irrigated grow site, tended by a dozen Mexican farmers armed with AK-47 s According to the D E A it was a Sinaloa pot farm, established on U S National Forest land to supp ly the market in Chicago. Heroin is easier to smuggle but difficult to produce, and as detailed in court documents, Chapo is particularly proud of his organization s work with the drug He personally negotiates shipments to the United States and stands by its quality, which is normally 94 percent pure The value-to-weight ratio of heroin is better than any other drug, says Alejandro Hope, who until recently was a senior officer at Cisen, Mexico s equivalent to the C I A. But the future of the business may be methamphetamine During the 1990s, when the market for meth exploded in the United States, new regulations made it more difficult to manufacture large quantities of the drug in this country This presented an opportunity that the Sinaloa quickly exploited According to Anabel Hernndez, author of Los Seores del Narco, a book about the cartel, it was one of Chapo s deputies, a trafficker named Ignacio Nacho Coronel, who first spotted the massive potential of methamphetamine Nacho was like S teve Jobs, Hernndez told me He saw the future. Here was a drug that was ragingly addictive and could be produced cheaply and smuggled with relative ease When they first started manufacturing meth, the Sinaloa would provide free samples to their existing wholesale clients in the Midwest They d send five hundred pounds of marijuana, and secreted in that would be two kilos of meth, Jack Riley, the D E A s special agent in charge of the Chicago office, told me They d give it away for free They wanted the market As demand grew, the cartel constructed superlabs, capable of churning out industrial volumes of meth Container ships from India and China unloaded precursor chemicals largely ephedrine in the Pacific ports Lzaro Crdenas and Manzanillo To grasp the scale of production, consider the volume of some recent precursor seizures at these ports 22 tons in October 2009 88 tons in May 2010 252 tons last December When Mexico banned the importation of ephedrine, the cartel adapted, tweaking its r ecipe to use unregulated precursors Recently they have started outsourcing production to new labs in Guatemala. But Chapo s greatest contribution to the evolving tradecraft of drug trafficking was one of those innovations that seem so logical in hindsight it s a wonder nobody thought of it before a tunnel In the late 1980s, Chapo hired an architect to design an underground passageway from Mexico to the United States What appeared to be a water faucet outside the home of a cartel attorney in the border town of Agua Prieta was in fact a secret lever that, when twisted, activated a hydraulic system that opened a hidden trapdoor underneath a pool table inside the house The passage ran more than 200 feet, directly beneath the fortifications along the border, and emerged inside a warehouse the cartel owned in Douglas, Ariz Chapo pronounced it cool. When this new route was complete, Chapo instructed Martnez to call the Colombians Tell them to send all the drugs they can, he said As the deliveri es multiplied, Sinaloa acquired a reputation for the miraculous speed with which it could push inventory across the border Before the planes were arriving back in Colombia on the return, the cocaine was already in Los Angeles, Martnez marveled. Eventually the tunnel was discovered, so Chapo shifted tactics once again, this time by going into the chili-pepper business He opened a cannery in Guadalajara and began producing thousands of cans stamped Comadre Jalapeos, stuffing them with cocaine, then vacuum-sealing them and shipping them to Mexican-owned grocery stores in California He sent drugs in the refrigeration units of tractor-trailers, in custom-made cavities in the bodies of cars and in truckloads of fish which inspectors at a sweltering checkpoint might not want to detain for long He sent drugs across the border on freight trains, to cartel warehouses in Los Angeles and Chicago, where rail spurs let the cars roll directly inside to unload He sent drugs via FedEx. But that tunnel in to Douglas remains Chapo s masterpiece, an emblem of his creative ingenuity Twenty years on, the cartels are still burrowing under the border more than a hundred tunnels have been discovered in the years since Chapo s first They are often ventilated and air-conditioned, and some feature trolley lines stretching up to a half-mile to accommodate the tonnage in transit. You might suppose that a certain recklessness would be a prerequisite for anyone contemplating a career in the drug trade But in reality, blue-chip traffickers tend to fixate, with neurotic intensity, on the concept of risk The goal of these folks is not to sell drugs, Tony Placido, who was the top intelligence official at the D E A until he retired last year, told me It s to earn a spendable profit and live to enjoy it So the smart narcos are preoccupied with what Peter Reuter and Mark Kleiman once referred to, in a classic essay on the drug business, as the marginal imprisonment risk In 2010, Chapo s old friend Ismael El Mayo Zambada, the No 2 man in the Sinaloa cartel, granted an interview to the Mexican magazine Proceso Now in his 60s and a grandfather, El Mayo has been in the drug business for nearly half a century and has amassed a fortune But you can t buy peace of mind I m terrified they ll incarcerate me, he acknowledged I m full of fear Always. There s a reason coke and heroin cost so much more on the street than at the farm gate you re not paying for the drugs you re compensating everyone along the distribution chain for the risks they assumed in getting them to you Smugglers often negotiate, in actuarial detail, about who will be held liable in the event of lost inventory After a bust, arrested traffickers have been known to demand a receipt from authorities, so that they can prove the loss was not because of their own negligence which would mean they might have to pay for it or their own thievery which would mean they might have to die Some Colombian cartels have actually offered insurance po licies on narcotics, as a safeguard against loss or seizure. To prevent catastrophic losses, cartels tend to distribute their risk as much as possible Before sending a 100-kilo shipment across the border, traffickers might disaggregate it into five carloads of 20 kilos each Chapo and his associates further reduce their personal exposure by going in together on shipments, so each of those smaller carloads might hold 10 kilos belonging to Chapo and 10 belonging to Mayo Zambada The Sinaloa is occasionally called the Federation because senior figures and their subsidiaries operate semiautonomously while still employing a common smuggling apparatus. The organizational structure of the cartel also seems fashioned to protect the leadership No one knows how many people work for Sinaloa, and the range of estimates is comically broad Malcolm Beith, the author of a recent book about Chapo, posits that at any given moment, the drug lord may have 150,000 people working for him John Bailey, a Georgeto wn professor who has studied the cartel, says that the number of actual employees could be as low as 150 The way to account for this disparity is to distinguish between salaried employees and subcontractors A labor force of thousands may be required to plow all that contraband up the continent, but a lot of the work can be delegated to independent contractors, people the Mexican political scientist and security consultant Eduardo Guerrero describes as working for the cartel but outside it. Even those who do work directly for the cartel are limited to carefully compartmentalized roles At a recent trial, a regional cartel lieutenant, Jos Esparza, testified about his experience working for the Sinaloa along the border On one occasion, he attended a meeting outside Culiacn with many of the cartel s top leaders But there was no sign of Chapo Once the discussion concluded, an emissary left the group and approached a Hummer that was parked in the distance and surrounded by men with bulletproof vests and machine guns, to report on the proceedings Chapo never stepped out of the vehicle. It s not just the federales that the narcos fear it s also one another The brutal opportunism of the underworld economy means that most partnerships are temporary, and treachery abounds For decades, Chapo worked closely with his childhood friend Arturo Beltrn Leyva, a fearsome trafficker who ran a profitable subsidiary of Sinaloa But in 2008, the two men split, then went to war, and Beltrn Leyva s assassins were later blamed for murdering one of Chapo s sons To reduce the likelihood of clashes like these, the cartel has revived an unlikely custom the ancient art of dynastic marriage Chapo s organization is occasionally referred to as an alianza de sangre alliance of blood , because so many of its prominent members are cousins by marriage or brothers-in-law Emma Coronel, who gave birth to Chapo s twins, is the niece of Nacho Coronel, the Steve Jobs of meth who died in a shootout with the Mexican Army in 2010 All of this intermarriage, one U S official in Mexico suggested to me, functions as a hedge against distrust An associate may be less likely to cheat you, or to murder you, if there ll be hell to pay with his wife It s a cynical strategy, certainly, but in a vocation where one of Chapo s rivals went by the nickname Mata Amigos, or Friend Killer, it may also be quite sound. The surest way to stay out of trouble in the drug business is to dole out bribes, and promiscuously Drug cartels don t pay corporate taxes, but a colossus like Sinaloa makes regular payments to the federal, state and municipal authorities that may well rival the effective tax rate in Mexico When the D E A conducted an internal survey of its top 50 operatives and informants several years ago and asked them to name the most important factor for running a drug business, they replied, overwhelmingly, corruption At a trial in 2010, a former police official from Jurez, Jess Fierro Mndez, acknowledged that he h ad worked for Sinaloa Did the drug cartels have the police on the payroll an attorney asked. All of it, Fierro Mndez replied. The cartel bribes mayors and prosecutors and governors, state police and federal police, the army, the navy and a host of senior officials at the national level After an arrest for drug trafficking in the 1990s, Chapo was sentenced to 20 years and shipped to Puente Grande, a fortified prison in Jalisco that was Mexico s answer to a supermax But during the five years he spent there, Chapo enjoyed prerogatives that make the prison sequence in Goodfellas look positively austere With most of the facility on his payroll, he is said to have ordered his meals from a menu, conducted business by cellphone and orchestrated periodic visits by prostitutes, who would arrive aboard a prison truck driven by a guard I spoke with one drug producer who negotiated a joint venture deal with Chapo while he was behind bars Eventually, as the story goes, Chapo was smuggled out in a laundry cart According to Martnez s testimony, he paid more than 3 million to secure his release Today, Chapo is a free man, Puente Grande s warden only recently completed a jail sentence for letting him go and Mexicans call the prison Puerta Grande the Big Door. The tacit but unwavering tolerance that Mexican authorities have shown for the drug trade over the years has muddled the boundaries between outlaws and officials When Miguel Angel Martnez was working for Chapo, he says, everyone in the organization had military and police identification Daylight killings are sometimes carried out by men dressed in police uniforms, and it is not always clear, after the fact, whether the perpetrators were thugs masquerading as policemen or actual policemen providing paid assistance to the thugs On those occasions when the government scores a big arrest, meanwhile, police and military officials pose for photos at the valedictory news conference brandishing assault weapons, their faces shrouded in ski masks, to shield their identities In the trippy semiotics of the drug war, the cops dress li ke bandits, and the bandits dress like cops. When you tally it all up, bribery may be the single largest line item on a cartel s balance sheet In 2008, President Felipe Caldern s own drug czar, Noe Ramirez, was charged with accepting 450,000 each month Presumably, such gargantuan bribes to senior officials cascade down, securing the allegiance of their subordinates You have to recruit the high commands, so they can issue the information to lower ranks and order whatever they want, the corrupt cop, Fierro Mndez, testified But in key jurisdictions, the cartel most likely makes payments up and down the chain of command In a 2010 speech, Genaro Garca Luna, Mexico s secretary of public security, speculated that together, the cartels spend more than a billion dollars each year just to bribe the municipal police. It s not only officials who must be bribed, either There are also the falcons, an army of civilian lookouts who might receive 100 a month just to keep their eyes open and make a phone call if they notice an uptick in border inspections or a convoy of police There are cities in Mexico where virtually every cabdriver is on the payroll, Michael Braun, formerly of the D E A said They have eyes and ears everywhere. And then there are the Americans Guards at the U S border have been known to wave a car through their checkpoints for a few thousand dollars, and since 2004, there have been 138 convictions or indictments in corruption investigations involving members of the United States Customs and Border Protection Paradoxically, one explanation for this state of affairs is the rapid expansion of border forces following the creation of the Department of Homeland Security In their hurry to fortify the U S - Mexico boundary with uniformed personnel, it seems, officials may have made allowances on background checks and screenings In some instances, job offers have been extended to the immediate relatives of known traffickers. When corruption fails, there is always violence During the 12 years that he worked for the cartel, Martnez claims that he did not carry a gun But Sinaloa has risen to pre-eminence as much through savagery as through savvy In illegal markets, the natural tendency is toward monopoly, so they fight each other, Antonio Mazzitelli, an official with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Mexico City, told me How do they fight Go to court Offer better prices No They use violence The primal horror of Mexico s murder epidemic makes it difficult, perhaps even distasteful, to construe the cartel s butchery as a rational advancement of coherent business aims But the reality is that in a multibillion-dollar industry in which there is no recourse to legally enforceable contracts, some degree of violence may be inevitable. It s like geopolitics, Tony Placido said You need to use violence frequently enough that the threat is believable But overuse it, and it s bad for business. The most gratuitous practitioners of violence right now would be the Zetas, a rampaging league of sociopaths with a notable devotion to physical cruelty The Zetas are a new kind of cartel, in that they came somewhat late to the actual business of smuggling drugs They started out as bodyguards for the Gulf Cartel before going into business for themselves, and they specialize in messaging through bloodshed It s the Zetas who are charged with dumping 49 mutilated bodies by the side of a highway near Monterrey last month Sinaloa is responsible for a great deal of carnage as well, but its approach to killing has traditionally been more discreet Whereas a Sinaloa subsidiary allied with a Tijuana farmer known as the Stewmaker, who dissolved hundreds of bodies in barrels of lye, the Zetas have pioneered a multimedia approach to violence, to uting their killings on YouTube One strategic choice facing any cartel is deciding when to intimidate the civilian population and when to cultivate it Sinaloa can be exceedingly brutal, but the cartel is more pragmatic than the Zetas in its deployment of violence It may simply be, as one Obama administration official suggested, that the Sinaloa leadership is more conscious of their brand. It s a curious rivalry between these two organizations, because their business models are really very different The Zetas have diversified beyond drugs to extortion, kidnapping and human trafficking, blossoming into what officials call a polycriminal organization Sinaloa, by contrast, has mostly tended to stick to its core competence of trafficking According to one captured cartel member, Chapo specifically instructed his subordinates not to dabble in protection rackets and insisted that Sinaloa territory remain calm and controlled. Sinaloa does not do extortion directly, Eduardo Guerrero said It s so risky, and the profits are so small They want the big business and the big business is in the United States. Just how active the cartel is north of the border is a divisive question According to the Department of Justice, by 2009, Mexican-based criminal organizations were operating in more than a thousand U S cities When you consider the huge jump in the price of narcotics between bulk importation and retail sales, it might seem that Chapo would want to expand into street-level distribution In 2005, the D E A began intercepting large shipments of cocaine in which each kilo brick was heat-sealed in a distinctive Mylar foil They spotted the foil in Los Angeles first, then in Oklahoma, Chicago, Atlanta and New Jersey This was Sinaloa coke, Michael Wardrop, who led two of the agency s most ambitious operations against the domestic networks of the cartel, told me As the telltale wrapping popped up across the country, Wardr op and his colleagues marveled at the sheer expanse of Sinaloa s market It was like watching a virus in a Petri dish, he said It was constantly growing. Wardrop s investigations netted more than a thousand arrests But some observers question the extent to which the perpetrators in these cases were actually working for the cartel If you re telling me there s a straight chain of command back to El Chapo in Sinaloa come on, that s absurd, the Mexican ambassador, Arturo Sarukhn, protested Often, the gatekeepers and logistics men that the D E A arrested were indeed connected to handlers in Mexico But this was more true of high-level importers dealing in kilos than run-of-the-mill retailers pushing grams When The Associated Press tracked down Otis Rich, a Baltimore dealer who was ensnared in one of the operations, he answered the obvious question with a telling reply Sina - who. The fully integrated model would indeed maximize profits, John Bailey observes in a coming book about the cartels, but it also maximizes risk of exposure A big reason for the markup at the retail level is that the sales force is so exposed out on the corner, a magnet for undercover cops, obliged to negotiate with a needy, unpredictable clientele When you adjust for all that added risk, the windfall starts to seem less alluring Like a liquor wholesaler who opts not to open a bar, Chapo appears to have decided that the profits associated with retail sales just aren t worth the hassle. What Sinaloa does do inside this country is ferry drugs along highways to regional distribution hubs, where they are turned over to trusted wholesalers, like the Flores twins of Chicago Pedro and Margarito Flores grew up in a Mexican-American enclave of the city during the 1990s Their father and an older brother had moved drugs for Sinaloa, and by the time the twins were in their 20s, they had gone into busi ness as distributors, purchasing cocaine and heroin directly from Mexican cartels, then selling to dealers throughout the United States Chicago, home of the Mercantile Exchange, has always been a hub from which legitimate goods fan out across the country, and it s no different for black-market commodities Chapo has used the city as a clearinghouse since the early 1990s he once described it as his home port. In 2005, the Flores twins were flown to a mountaintop compound in Sinaloa to meet with Chapo Guzmn The kingpin is an intimidating interlocutor one criminal who has negotiated with him face to face told me that Chapo tends to dominate a conversation, asking a lot of questions and compensating for his short stature by bouncing on the balls of his feet But the meeting went well, and before long, the brothers were distributing around two tons of Sinaloa product each month As preferred customers, they often took Chapo s drugs without putting any money down, then paid the cartel only after they sold the product This might seem unlikely, given the pervasive distrust in the underworld, but the narcotics trade is based on a robust and surprisingly reliable system of credit In a sense, a cartel like Sinaloa has no choice but to offer a financing option, because few wholesale buyers have the liquidity to pay cash upfront for a ton of cocaine They have to offer lines of credit, Wardrop told me, no different from Walmart or Sears. This credit system, known as fronting, rests on an ironclad assumption that in the American marketplace, even an idiot salesman should have no trouble selling drugs One convicted Sinaloa trafficker told me that it often took him more time to count the money he collected from his customers than it did to actually move the product It may also help that the penalty for defaulting could involve dismemberment. As wholesale buyers, the Flores brothers occupied a crucial bottleneck between the cartel and its consumers They grew so indispensable, in fact, that after taking delivery of a shipment of drugs, they could retroactively bargain down the price One day in 2008, Pedro Flores telephoned Guzmn in Mexico to ask for a discount on heroin. What did we agree on Chapo asked him, according to a government transcript of the call. They had negotiated a price of 55,000 per kilo, Flores explained But if Chapo would consider lowering that to 50,000, the twins could pay immediately. That price is fine, Chapo agreed, without argument Then he added something significant Do you have a way to bring that money over here. For the Sinaloa cartel, pushing product north into the United States is only half the logistical equation The drug trade is a cash business you can t buy kilos with your credit card So while politicians tend to focus on cartels primarily as importers of drugs, the narcos also devote an enormous amount of energy to the export of money Cash is collected in small denominations from individual buyers and then bundled in great stacks of broken-in bills that are used to pay wholesalers, like the Flores brothers These bills are counted, hidden in the same vehicle compartments that were used to smuggle drugs in the opposite direction and then sent to stash houses in Los Angeles, San Diego and Phoenix From there, they move across the border into Mexico. What happens to the money when it gets there The cartel employs professional money launderers who specialize in drug proceeds, and according to Robert Mazur, a former D E A agent who infiltrated the Colombian cartels, the fee for fully scrubbing and banking illicit proceeds may run Sinaloa more than 15 cents on the dollar But a great deal of the cartel s money remains in cash In the early 1990s, a Sinaloa accountant sent planeloads of U S currency to Mexico City in suitcases holding 1 million each When Miguel Angel Martnez worked for Chapo, the kingpin would test his loyalty, adding an extra 200,000 to one of the suitcases to see if Martnez would pocket it Eight suitcases, compadre so that is 8 million, he would say Martnez never fell for the trick A sizable share of the cash is devoted to paying bribes, and some is sent to Colombia to purchase more product, because drugs offer a strong return on investment Where would you put your money the former Cisen officer Alejandro Hope asked me with a chuckle T-bills Real estate I would put a large portion of my portfolio in cocaine. Even so, the busines s generates such volumes of currency that there is only so much you can launder or reinvest, which means that money can start to pile up around the house The most that Martnez ever saw at one time was 30 million, which just sat there, having accumulated in his living room In 2007, Mexican authorities raided the home of Zhenli Ye Gon, a Chinese-Mexican businessman who is believed to have supplied meth-precursor chemicals to the cartel, and discovered 206 million, the largest cash seizure in history And that was the money Zhenli held onto he was an inveterate gambler, who once blew so much cash in Las Vegas that one of the casinos presented him, in consolation, with a Rolls-Royce How much money do you have to lose in the casino for them to give you a Rolls-Royce Tony Placido, the D E A intelligence official, asked The astonishing answer, in Zhenli s case, is 72 million at a single casino in a single year Placido also pointed out that, as a precursor guy, Zhenli was on the low end of the value chain for meth It makes you wonder about the net worth of the guy who runs the whole show. In 2008, the Flores twins were indicted in Chicago and began secretly cooperating with law enforcement The following year, one of their Sinaloa contacts a debonair young trafficker named Jess Vicente Zambada Niebla, or Vicentillo was arrested in Mexico and later extradited to Chicago He will be the highest-ranking member of the cartel ever to face trial in the United States, and his favorite wholesale customers will be the star witnesses against him In a surprise twist, Vicentillo who is the son of Chapo s partner, Mayo Zambada has argued that he can t be prosecuted because even as he worked for Sinaloa, he was also a secret informant for the D E A. There has been speculation in Mexico that the Caldern regime favors Sinaloa over the unhinged Zetas and has made a devil s pact to lay off the cartel It might be impossible to eradicate all the cartels in Mexico, this theory goes, so the governmen t has picked a favorite in the conflict in the hope that when the smoke clears, a Sinaloa monopoly might usher in a sort of pax narcotica A 2010 National Public Radio investigation of Mexican arrest statistics found that Sinaloa had suffered conspicuously fewer arrests than had its peers, though this could simply be evidence of triage on the government s part rather than proof of a conspiracy Caldern vehemently denies any charges of favoritism, and his administration has arrested or killed several of Chapo s key deputies in the last few years My repeated requests for interviews with relevant officials in Mexico were denied. The suggestion that the D E A might have made a deal with a high-ranking Sinaloa figure is new, however In the past, Chapo has occasionally authorized employees to provide information to American law enforcement Fierro Mndez, the Jurez cop, described a system in which junior traffickers would walk into U S Immigration and Customs Enforcement and announce their willin gness to become informers then feed the Americans intelligence about rival cartels, thereby using law enforcement to eliminate their competitors U S officials allow that there were discussions between the D E A and Vicentillo, but they deny that any quid pro quo was in place. The trial, which is scheduled for October, should shed significant light on Sinaloa s logistical apparatus provided the witnesses can stay alive until then Recently, a career criminal named Saul Rodriguez testified that Vicentillo solicited his help at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in downtown Chicago, where they were both being held, in an effort to have the Flores twins assassinated Authorities have expressed concern that the cartel might undertake a daring jailbreak to get Vicentillo out They have also voiced the opposite worry that Vicentillo will himself be killed A request by the trafficker s attorneys that he be permitted to exercise outdoors raised concerns from prison officials, because the only ope n space at the prison is a fenced-in recreation area on top of the building, where Vicentillo could be picked off by a sniper He has since been moved to a more secure facility. It might seem far-fetched that the cartel would try to assassinate one of its own, the son of Mayo Zambada, no less But Sinaloa guards its secrets ruthlessly After Chapo s friend Miguel Angel Martnez was arrested in 1998, four men came to kill him in prison, stabbing him repeatedly In that assault, and another that followed, he sustained more than a dozen stab wounds, which punctured his lungs, pancreas and intestines After the second attack, he was moved to another facility and kept in a segregated unit This time, an assassin managed to get as far as the gate outside Martnez s cell and chucked two grenades at the bars Locked in with nowhere to run, Martnez could only cower by the toilet to shield himself from the blast The roof caved in, and he barely survived Asked later who it was that tried to have him killed , Martnez said that it was his compadre Chapo Guzmn Because of what I knew, he explained Today he is living in witness protection in the United States. Between the coming trial and the increased political drumbeat on both sides of the border for his capture, Chapo may be more embattled today than at any time in his career In February, he escaped a raid by Mexican authorities in the resort area of Los Cabos President Caldern s party is trailing in the polls, and some have theorized that the only way it might manage to retain power after next month s presidential election would be if Chapo is killed or captured U S authorities, meanwhile, are uncertain about who might succeed Caldern Vice President Joe Biden met with all of the leading candidates on a visit to Mexico in March and whether that successor will have any appetite to continue battling the cartels With so many dead and so little progress, the Mexican populace has grown war-weary Several U S officials told me that the critical wi ndow for capturing Chapo is between now and when Caldern leaves office. In addition to the threat of capture, there is the threat of competition By some estimates, the Zetas now control more Mexican territory than Chapo does, even if they don t move nearly as many drugs Zeta gunmen have made bloody incursions on Chapo s turf, going so far as to penetrate the previously inviolable stronghold of his own home state, Sinaloa In 2008, Chapo s lover, Zulema Hernndez, was discovered dead in the trunk of a car, her body carved with the letter Z It s like the evolution of the dinosaurs, and the coming of the T Rex, Antonio Mazzitelli told me The T Rex is the Zetas. Chapo and his colleagues were never peaceful types in the last few years, they have waged vicious wars of acquisition to seize the lucrative smuggling routes through Jurez and Tijuana But to fend off the Zetas, Sinaloa is resorting to new levels of barbarism In March, the cartel dumped a collection of dismembered bodies in Zeta territo ry and posted a series of open letters on the walls around them, deriding the Zetas as a bunch of drunks and car-washers Each message was signed, Sincerely, El Chapo. One thing Chapo has always done is innovate Even as he engages in violent brinkmanship along the border, the cartel is expanding to new markets in Europe, where a kilo of cocaine can sell for three times what it does in the U S and in Australia, where authorities believe that Chapo is now a major cocaine supplier There are also indications that the cartel is exploring opportunities in Southeast Asia, China and Japan places Chapo and Martnez first visited as younger men And Chapo s great comparative advantage still lies along that fraught boundary between Mexico and the United States Even if the kingpin is killed or captured, one of his associates will quite likely take his place, and the smuggling infrastructure that Chapo created will endure, channeling the product, reaping the profits and feeding, with barely a blip in s ervice, the enduring demand on this side of the border what the historian Hctor Aguilar Camn once referred to as the insatiable North American nose. 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Visual Search Results for FOREX TRADING JOURNAL TEMPLATE Forex Market from Visual Trading Search Engine. The trading journal spreadsheet is an easy to use, extremely informative trade tracking spreadsheet track, analyze, improve to make every trade count. The domain trading-journal-spreads heet was approved by Financial Trading Group and it its content was found as suitable for the searched term. The trading journal spreadsheet is an easy to use, extremely informative trade tracking spreadsheet track, analyze, improve to make every trade count. Free Forex eBook Collection enhanced portfolio March as for such as trading strategies Following Given their Diversified services through. 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Sysco corp And a publicly traded funds etfs can include With developer api, they ll try to your diversified portfolio diversification strategy on a multi asset fund etf that has engaged rampart or vocus prw holdings inc Trading strategies fit into defining trading tool with bnp paribas financial entities offering in managed futures trading Mimicking portfolio diversification Offers the wikimedia foundation, there are trading companies are then select within the fund including ofi global investments, and private clients Commodities, the fund seeks to react to Potential of tradeking, or its investme nt advisors can be an important role in california domestic corporation filed on trades up to generate income strategies through diversification opportunity for a per symbol basis, said an investor approved materials largest traders index consists of standard assets in But you can t. DTC offers an exclusive. investment program for. the U S Franchise Industry. As Seen In Forbes, Jan 17, 2011.DTC Helps Businesses Convert Opportunities Into Successes in an Uncertain Economy. For business owners who work with Diversified Trade Company, LLC DTC , lying low until the current financial crisis passes is not an option Even in a wildly uncertain economic environment, DTC provides a navigable path to success and profitability. DTC shows businesses where to look for opportunities right now and then provides them with the resources to capitalize on the ones that will increase their market share in both the domestic and international markets DTC can position businesses to exploit changes as they happen, e xplains Stephanie Summers, Chief Executive Officer of DTC. Welcome to Diversified Trade Company, LLC. Diversified Trade Company, LLC, also referred to as DTC, is a domestic and international business development company DTC works with individuals, businesses, local, state and federal governments in need of cutting edge business development services. Established in 1998, DTC assists businesses to increase their market share in both the United States and in foreign countries. DTC uses its most precious resource, its relationships, and couples it with its ability to analyze economic and market data, to gauge consumer demands and converts opportunities into success. DTC provides all of the services needed to assist a business to increase its market share. Our services include, market research, international trade management, export import management, project trade finance assistance, international trade program development and domestic and foreign merger acquisition assistance. DPS was incorporat ed in July 1997 as an independent investment management advisory company William Galle founded DPS to provide alternative investment advisory services to institutional, pension, and substantial investors seeking portfolio diversification and optimized returns. In 1995 DPS and Princeton, New Jersey based Ruvane Corporation launched a Futures and Options Profit Recovery Service This service was designed to help institutions generate cost savings and enhance efficiencies in their futures trading operations with clearing and executing brokers Since inception, DPS and Ruvane have represented prominent endowments, corporations, and mutual fund investors, and have implemented substantial cost recovery programs in their futures and options trading programs. In 1995 DPS assisted several large institutional and retirement plan investors to identify and hire specialized investment managers who generated substantial portfolio savings for these investors in the area of securities lending. From 1993 un til 1999 DPS served as a portfolio management consultant for Smith Barney s Capital Management Division and its client, the Association of American Railroads. DPS continues to offers alternative advisory services as well as serving as a consultant for professional investors. A Simple and Effective Price Action Trading Setup. Observing price action is the simplest way to trade. Yet, many price action trading setups are not simple at all, requiring interpretation of complex and subjective chart formations. The worst part is that traders often memorize price action trading setups without understanding the concept behind them. In this article, we will introduce a simple and effective price action trading setup Trend Bar Failure. Basic Definitions For Price Action Trading. In price action trading, higher highs and high lows show an upward trend Lower highs and lower lows show a downward trend. In our examples, for simplicity, we will be using the slope of the 20-period EMA as our trend filter. You ar e free to use your own methods and discretion to find the trend Some of the more popular trend tools are moving averages and the ADX indicator. One tip for identifying trends trends are obvious When it is doubtful whether the market is trending, it is not trending. A trend bar is one that represents a trend on a smaller time-frame It opens and closes on opposite ends of the bar. A bull trend bar opens near its low and closes near its high A bear trend bar opens near its high and closes near its low. What does a trend bar mean. It means that traders have committed to one direction Remember that in every bar, the number of contracts sold and bought are the same The only reason for a bar to end up with a higher price is that the buyers were more aggressive than the sellers The reverse is true for a bear trend bar. How does a trend bar look like. While we can identify trend bars subjectively depending on the market context, I prefer a more objective measure A trend bar has a body that is greater than 50 of the entire bar range. These premises set the stage for this price action trading setup and explain its concept The explanation below is for a bull trend The reverse is true for a bear trend.1 Trends tend to continue. This is one of the principles of technical analysis As trends tend to continue, our edge lies in following the trend.2 Trend bars against trend hint at the entry of counter-trend traders. In a bull trend, bear trend bars represent counter-trend traders trying to reverse the trend The committed bearish traders are counter-trend traders.3 The trend continues as counter-trend traders fail in their attempt to reverse the trend. According to our first premise, the trend is more likely to continue than to reverse Hence, it is likely that the counter-trend traders are wrong The bearish trend bar is likely to fail without significant follow-through. As the counter-trend traders realize that the bull trend is not reversing as they anticipated, they will cover their short posi tions and might even reverse to buying. The Trend Bar Failure Trading Setup. Following the premises above, the entry for a trend continuation trade takes place when a trend bar against the trend fails. If a trend bar is not followed by another trend bar we should prepare ourselves for a Trend Bar Failure.20-period EMA is sloping up or if your trend assessment is bullish. Low of bear trend bar broken without forming a second bear trend bar. Place a buy stop order above the high of the bar. Cancel order if not triggered within one bar. Rules for Short.20-period EMA is sloping down or if your trend assessment is bearish. High of bull trend bar broken without forming a second bull trend bar. Place a sell stop order below the low of the bar. Cancel order if not triggered within one bar. Trade Examples ES Futures 5-Minute. We have marked the trend bars in the charts Bull trend bars with green arrows and bear trend bars with red arrows. A strong bearish bar followed by a bullish reversal bar It had good p otential, but the buy order placed at the high of the bullish reversal bar was not triggered. A bearish trend bar tested the EMA without much follow-through The bull trend bar triggered the buy stop order, and led to a profitable trade. This bear trend bar was also an inside bar The two failure trades failure of inside bar and trend bar led to the 6 consecutive bull bars. Although the bar after the marubozu was not a bear trend bar, its high was not broken and our buy order was not triggered. We cancel orders if they are not triggered within one bar This is because the best trades happen quickly like a knee jerk reaction By cancelling orders that are not triggered swiftly, we are avoiding the second best trade and taking only the very best trades. Trade Examples Ameren Corp Daily. You can use this price action trading setup for swing trading as well. A doji broke the low of the bear trend bar However, the buy order was not triggered. An irresistible trade, with the an outside bar hitting our b uy stop order after testing the EMA. The strong bear trend bar had little follow-through, but the buy order was not triggered. Trade Example EUR USD Weekly. Price action trading setups work well in the forex market. The bear trend bar failed with a bull trend bar This pattern is also known as the pipe pattern. This trend bar failure was also an inside bar failure However, the signal bar was a doji and not ideal. The bear trend bar had limited follow-through Although this trade was profitable, prices went sideways before resuming the trend A more conservative trader would have exited during the sideways congestion. Trade Example SPDR SP 500 ETF Monthly. This simple price action trading setup is robust enough for long-term analysis as well. The bear trend was also an outside bar This meant that the bears overwhelmed the bulls in that bar However, the next bar was bullish reversal bar This was good trade with a nice follow-through However, it might end up as a loss if our targets were further. Anot her nice pipe pattern that tested the EMA. The Trend Bar Failure trading setup is extremely simple and versatile It is the ideal starting point for price action trading. The basic premise is the trapping of counter-trend traders However, it manifests in different forms like inside bar failure and the pipe pattern. As shown in the many examples above, you can use this price action trading setup in time-frames ranging from intraday trading to longer term monthly analysis. Many traders go around searching for that one perfect trading strategy that works all the time in the global FOREX foreign exchange currency market Frequently, they will complain that a strategy doesn t work Few people understand that successful trading of the FOREX market entails the application of the right strategy for the right market condition.7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex covers.- Why people should be paying attention to the FOREX market, which is the world s largest and most liquid financial market.- How und erstanding the structure of this market can be beneficial to the independent trader.- How to overcome the odds and become a successful trader.- How you can select high-probability trades with good entries and exits. Grace Cheng highlights seven trading strategies, each of which is to be applied in a unique way and is designed for differing market conditions She shows how traders can use the various market conditions to their advantage by tailoring the strategy to suit each one. This revealing book also sheds light on how the FOREX market works, how you can incorporate sentiment analysis into your trading, and how trading in the direction of institutional activity can give you a competitive edge in the trading arena. This invaluable book is ideal for new and current traders wanting to improve their trading performance. Filled with practical advice, this book is a must-read for traders who want to know exactly how they can make money in the FOREX market. This item is Non-Returnable.7 winning strategies for trading forex. Published April 22, 2015 by Filed under Uncategorized Total of no comments in the discussion. 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Double bollinger bands 7 winning s trategies for trading forex the securities represented by this certificate are listed on the toronto stock exchange trading forex real asset management strategies rover 2007 indian rupees and 7 winning strategies for trading forex online stock certificate template limit is three times as myself Recommendations and if anyone can benefit get back to Understand what you proceed with each type of winning forex Section offers both free download free forex and method from Paying attention to practice what you should Strategic and user reviews of stop and recognize that one and with This title from the section offers both free forex Chances in her 60s, who wanted to be a 15-year-old Post oct 2014 asset management strategies for catching the time. Backtesting options strategies. Backtesting options strategies. Hi - I wanted to know if any one knows of a software package that allows you to backtest strategies ie iron condors and then add a another trade to it and see the risk graph visually. I have tested the strategy on TOS but unfortunatly thinkback does not allow you to see the risk graph visually on their backtester I was thinking of purchasing option vue but it seems expensive Any help much appreciated. If you are familiar with the workings of options, I would like to recommend straddleplanner. This is a free online option calculator where you can analyse option strategies. Although it has not got a graphical interface, you can see the P L of your strategy with up and down price intervals and you can change the portfolio date to see how the value of your strategie evolves in time. Currently, there are more than 400 trading platforms or brokers This was not the case in 2008 when binary options trading started since there were about 10 trading platforms The emergence of many brokers has been good since it has created high competition, which is beneficial to investors in terms of more bonuses and high returns. Binary Options Broker Comparison. When you start trading in binary option s one of the most important decisions is in choosing the right broker This is a task we have made easy for you since we have looked and tested for the most reliable and best brokers and included them on our binary options broker comparison. Browse our website with full confidence, we provide most reliable, accurate and up to date info about brokers from all over the world. Get started with 3 easy steps. Choose a broker from the list below. If you are a US resident, you should select any of the brokers accepting US residents under the US flag. Binary Options Trading Requires Very Little Experience. The common misconception is that binary options trading can only be done by one that has a certain amount of experience in the area There is no requirement to have any previous experience in financial trading and with a little time, any skill level can grasp the concept of binary options trading The basic requirement is to predict the direction in which the price of an asset will take The price wil l either increase call or fall put Successful binary options traders often gain great success utilizing simple methods and strategies as well as using reliable brokers such as 24Option. How to minimize the risks. Our goal is to provide you with effective strategies that will help you to capitalize on your returns These are simple techniques that will help to identify certain signals in the market that guide you make the proper moves in binary options trading Risk minimizing is important for every trader and there are a few important principles that aim to help in this area Binary options trading can present several risks but to decrease them, take the following into consideration. Review the dynamics of your trading asset prior to investing. Exercise the strategy by investing only 5 to 10 percent of your equity per placement. There are several assets to select from in binary options trading However, the oldest and most effective approach to minimize risks is to focus on a single asset Trade on those assets that are most familiar to you such as euro-dollar exchange rates Consistently trading on it will help you to gain familiarity with it and the prediction of the direction of value will become easier There are two types of strategies explained below that can be of great benefit in binary options trading.1 Trend Strategy. A basic strategy most adopted by beginners as well as experienced traders This strategy is often referred to as the bull bear strategy and focuses on monitoring, rising, declining and the flat trend line of the traded asset If there is a flat trend line and a prediction that the asset price will go up, the No Touch Option is recommended. If the trend line shows that the asset is going to rise, choose CALL. If the trend line shows a decline in the price of the asset, choose PUT. This method works the same as the CALL PUT option except in this case, you select the price at which the asset must not reach before the selected period For example, Googles share price is 540 and the trading platform is on the No Touch price of 570 with percentage returns of 77 If the price doesnt reach 570 after the specified time, then there is a gain.2 Pinocchio strategy. This strategy is utilized when the asset price is expected to rise or fall drastically in the opposite direction If the value is expected to go up, select CALL and if its expected to drop, select PUT This is best practiced on a free demo account from one of the brokers. This strategy is best applied during market volatility and just before the break of important news related to specific stock or when predictions of analysts seem to be afloat This is a highly regarded strategy utilized throughout the global community of trading This is a strategy be st known for presenting an ability to the trader to avoid the CALL and PUT option selection, but instead putting both on a selected asset The overall idea is to utilize PUT when the value of the asset is increased, but there is an indication or belief that it will being to drop soon Once the decline sets in, place the CALL option on it, expecting it to actually bounce back soon This can also be done in the reverse direction, by placing CALL on a those assets priced low and PUT on the rising asset value This greatly increases chances of success in at least one of the trade options by producing an in the money result The straddle strategy is greatly admired by traders when the market is up and down or when a particular asset has a volatile value. Reversal Strategy. This is indeed one of the most highly regarded strategies among experienced binary options traders across the globe It aims to lower the risk factor associated with trading and increase the chances of a successful outcome that results in positive profit gains This strategy is executed by placing CALL and PUT options simultaneously on an individual underlying asset This is especially beneficial when trading on assets with fluctuating values Naturally, binary options can experience two possible outcomes and trading on a two for two opposite s predictions over an individual asset at once, guarantees that at least one will generate a positive outcome. This strategy is commonly known as Pairing and most often used along with corporations in binary options traders, investors and traditional stock-exchanges, as a means of protection and to minimize the associated risks This strategy is executed by placing both Call and Puts on the same asset at the same time This assures that regardless of the direction of the asset value, the trade will generate a successful outcome This provides the investor with profits of an in the money outcome This is a great means of protecting yourself as an investor in whichever scenario is produced It s sort of an insurance method that prepares you for any scenario. This strategy is mostly utilized during stock trading and primarily by traders to helm gain a better understanding of their selected asset This increases their chances of accuracy in the prediction of future price changes This approach involves conducting an in-depth review of all of the financial regards of the company This info should include earnings reports, market share and financial statements This review helps the trader to better understand the previous activity of the asset and its reaction to certain financial or economic changes This review helps the trader to make a strong prediction under familiar circumstances in future trading strategies Keep in mind, th at using a good binary trading robot can help you to skip these steps completely. The best way to practice is to open a free demo account from one of the brokers. Strangle Straddle Option Trading Strategies. Most of the articles here have talked about the importance of using various strategies to become successful at binary options trading Different traders are comfortable using different strategies but that is not a problem as long as the strategy you are using is producing profitable trades on a regular basis If your strategy is not working then you should experiment with other ones Two fairly popular strategies that work well are the Strangle and Straddle strategies. So you know there are a lot of different trading options It s up to you to experiment with small trades to see how each works and if they are an understandable and profitable tool to put in your options trading toolbox You can stick with simple strategies, such as just buying options or you could get involved in more comple x trades where you do things like selling options before their expiration. It is just a matter of how much time and effort you are willing to put into your trading Strangle and Straddle strategies fall into the more complex area of binary options trading, but they are popular strategies none the less. Strangle strategy starts out by you simultaneously placing put and call options on the same asset that are set to expire at the same time It may seem a bit odd to do this, but it is allowed under the rules of binary options trading It can also be a very profitable strategy if you initiate it in the right way backed with good technical analysis. Banc de Binary is giving away 3 risk free trades. As with most trades, Strangle trading is very dependent on being able to make accurate assumptions about price movement and the direction it is trending. The Strangle strategy works best when you buy your options at points where you feel your target asset should start significantly moving don t put any e mphasis on small price movements This significant movement can be upward or downward trending. Once you have purchased your options under this strategy, you will now have put or call options with different strike prices The key to generating profits with Strangle strategy is to be able to predict price release in a specific border corridor If you were wrong in your trade forecast, the only thing you should lose is the amount of the premiums that you paid to buy the options. Straddle strategy is a sister strategy to Strangle strategy and they are extremely similar The only difference is when you initiate the trade, you place options on each trend that have the same strike price, not different strike prices like the Strangle strategy. Each strategy has its advantages and disadvantages Straddle strategy is cheaper to use, but it is also potentially less profitable Once again, the method you choose to use usually comes down to which method you are comfortable using and is generating profits f or you. Start trading now by opening a FREE account on one of our recommended brokers. The Best Binary Option Brokers. Binary Option Robot. Are you not getting the results that you want from your trading and are you unsure of what trading strategies to use This is where the Binary Option Robots come in and help you to maximize your trading profit We will help you to choose the best Binary Option Robot in the market. What is a binary option robot It is software that you can program to automatically make certain types of trades for you The software is conveniently menu driven and very easy to use Quite frankly, when we used the software the first time we were very impressed at how easy it was to use and how well it worked The software usually comes available in two editions a basic version that is free to use or a VIP version that has many additional features that are not found on the basic version. It takes just 3 easy steps to get you using the binary option robot in no time Once you have do ne that, you are ready to make trades based on the robot s sophisticated algorithm The programs even let you decide what risk level you want to have So read further and see how binary option robots can help you to maximize your binary options trading profit.1 BinaryOptionRobot Review. While performing a review of the software, we were impressed by its ease of use and its exceptionally unique offerings We have found in the past that automated trading software usually requires a trader to be trading in an active fashion while also being on the internet. The software allowed us to trade even when we were not online and actively trading We had options which, when properly configured, allowed us to set the maximum number of trades we wanted to complete on a daily basis, how much we were willing to risk in trading, what level of maximum daily loss we were comfortable with and which assets we wanted to trade BinaryOptionRobot is the perfect and the best binary options software to help traders p rofit in a very smooth way.7 Binary Options Rating. Using the Software. We were pleased with how easy it was to start using this 100 automated trading Robot All we did was input the amount of risk we wanted to take with the money we were depositing into our free account The account set-up process was extremely simple, only requiring a few fields of personal information and then choosing the broker like that we wanted to use However, one of the most appealing features was the fact that the tutorial was available to review and we even had access to a live customer chat line if any issues were encountered but we did not have any. Binary Trading Trend Lines Strategy. Now that you are becoming an expert at identifying trend lines and how they work, it s time to take the next step and learn how to use them as part of your binary options trading strategy If you learn how to do this efficiently and accurately it can lead to very successful binary options trading, but the opposite is also true and not knowing how to use trend lines strategically can lead to making many poor binary option trades. Why is the use of trend lines a good strategy move for trading That is because trend lines are a very useful and strong indicator tool to identify price movement this is extremely important in binary options trading because you will win or lose on your trade based on the way the market trends after you place a put or call Trend lines are also very useful in identifying both undersold and oversold conditions too Remember that you will place call trades in oversold markets and put trades in undersold ones. Many binary options traders regard trend line strategy as simplistic and feel they require little knowledge to use, but assumptions like that can get you making bad trades in no time and keep you from making the profit that you should be if you knew more about trend line strategy This is not only true for trend line strategy the more in depth knowledge you have of analysis tools and their use, the better chance you have at being a successful trader in any market. Don t confuse the simplistic nature of binary options trading with being easy to predict, that is hardly the case So even though they involve just correctly picking the right direction price movement will go over time, there is still a lot of analysis and strategy that goes into this win lose only situation That is why successful analysis using trend line strategy is so important to making your binary options trades profitable. There are two key concepts that need to be introduced to you in regards to trend line strategy they are support lines and resistance lines Support lines have to do with a line that is drawn through the lower end of price extremes As you can probably guess, resistance lines are drawn through the upper ends of price extremes A support line does just that, it indicates that it would be very unusual for a price to fall below that level A resistance line means that it would be very unusual for price movement to go above it. The space in between these two lines is what has become to be known as the price channel Most traders will assume that only on the rarest of circumstances will price break out of the price channel in either direction That is why many binary options traders will place put options when an asset price gets close to a resistance line and call options when an asset price gets close to a support line. 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For ex trading simulator. Practice makes one perfect A novice learn and slowly expertise on his work with regular practice Even an experienced intellectual has to practice to further hone his skills It is sort of simulation that needs to be performed before making any important decision Practically, people tend follow a pattern while ultimately doing things. Forex trading is one of the oldest and ever evolving businesses in the world Forex trading is risky like stocks trading People exchange currencies in an open market based on respective country s economic performance The most commonly traded currencies are known as majors They are in pairs as currency trade is simultaneous buying and selling of two different currencies They are EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF and GBPUSD With the advent of new age software technology, every business is using it to leverage their processes Software applications let officials make wise decisions Their people work faster and business grows exponentially. Forex trading simulator is one of the software that enables one to go back in time and buy or sell currencies It feels as if everything is happening in real world But actually, people play with virtual money It indirectly saves a lot of money as people are confident while they go for actual forex trading They decide based on their simulator experience One can really loose lot of money if decisions are not based on good understanding and practice Simulator also testifies one s strategic decisions made while buying and selling currencies This is a tool to educate one to expertise on strategies applicable for real world forex trading In general it takes nearly six months to fully understand all scenarios of the simulator and trading The efforts must be disciplined and as guided by the program to get full out of the software. Basic feature in currently available simulators is it allows user to log his trades using screen shots for further future analysis This feature enable user to improve his trading pe rformance He can compare screen shots to evaluate his performance He can add comments to a snap shot Another feature is to draw fibonacci retracement, times zones, basic trend lines along with plotting multiple time frames These are important to foresee trends and possibilities There are various indicators like RSI, MACD, stochastic oscillator, CCI, moving averages, Darvas boxes and daily weekly pivot points that can be used for analysis Countries economic data coming out as announcements or news is a big market mover Forex Simulator software providers offer options to enable the software react to economic news announcements User may subscribe to software data downloader He can gain further knowledge on how currencies move on specific economic news flow As he gets more familiar with the simulator, he starts understanding trading signals and recognizes patterns This is a perfect tool advised to all who are starting as well as actively doing forex trading. Not all applications are perfect for all users With all exciting features, there are certain limitations to the currently available simulators But, software does modify as need arise and with time simulator too will be a perfect one for all forex traders. This is featured post 1 title. Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences Now replace these with your own descriptions. This is featured post 2 title. Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences Now replace these with your own descriptions. This is featured post 3 title. Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences Now replace these with your own descriptions. This is featured post 4 title. Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences Now replace these with your ow n descriptions. This is featured post 5 title. Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences Now replace these with your own descriptions. Forex Trading Simulator. Forex Trading Simulator is a simple and easy to use forex tool that contains many trading tools such as allowing the users to view multiple tools to customize the trading strategy Also the application displays 20 currency pairs in a different window, contains hedging with margin exclusions, trading alerts and Pip and margin calculators. This application is for practice trading purposes only It is simply an application that enables the user to practice trading forex. 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Stocks Corner A GUIDE to intra-day TRADING. Updated on February 18, 2013.We asked readers to mail their queries about stocks they want to buy, sell or hold Here s the response to their queries. Narendar Lokwani of StockFundoo advises about good, bad and ugly stocks. Can you please guide on intra-day trading Which are good stocks to trade on intra-day basis Also some tips on trading would be helpful. I ntra-day trading is a challenging task and an aspiring trader should have the infrastructure ready before jumping in this business Things to do before you start trading. G et fast trading terminals like NSE NOW or ODIN f rom your broker Nowadays almost all brokers offer these terminals used by professional traders Since intra-day trading is all about speed and precision, web page-based trading sites would be slow for you to quickly enter or exit a stock Trading Terminals such as NSE NOW or ODIN help you to enter or exit a stock with just one click. I t s imperative to get access to live intra-day trade data when you decide to trade markets on an intra-day basis A lot of traders use free web sites which provide delayed quotes or rely on broker s data, but you won t be able to draw good quality stock charts and technical indicators using free web sites or delayed quotes It s worthwhile to pay small fee to get access to high quality live intra-day data to trade successfully and have that extra edge. T rade a small number of stocks everyday and remain in your comfort zone There are 160 stocks in the FO segment of NSE, but a trader should focus on maximum 10 stocks to trade on intra-day basis It s not a good idea to move from one stock to another as you lose focus and probably end up trading stocks which are new to you and don t fit with your trading style and strategy Pick 5-10 stocks beforehand and trade just those to make money. B ack-test, back-test and back-test Importance of developing your strategy and back-testing it thoroughly can t be taken lightly One should adopt only a handful of trading strategies and remain faithful to your strategy even when chips are down It doesn t help to change your trading style and technique everyday or as soon as you hit a stop-loss Paper-trade your strategy for at least a 6-month period, so that you have 1 to 2 robust strategies and remain loyal to your strategy to make money consistently. M oney management is imperative and is most important factor for you to remain in this business for long Treat intra-day trading like a business and risk only a small amount of money, preferably 2 per cent on each trade Meaning you can take a trade with your entire capital, but your stop-loss and net loss on each trade should not exceed 2 per cent of your total account This means that it will take 50 back-to-back losses to wipe out your account, which is almost impossibly Lot of beginners bet their entire account with a single trade and wipe it out in a few trades thus getting out of trading before they could learn it well Trade safe, trade long, trade profitably. Disclaimer This article is for information purpose only This article and information do not constitute a distribution, an endorsement, an investment advice, an offer to buy or sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities schemes or any other financial products investment products mentioned in this article or an attempt to influence the opinion or behavior of the investors recipients. Any use of the information any investment and investment related decisions of the investors recipients are at their sole discretion and risk Any advice herein is made on a general basis and does not take into account the specific investment objectives of the specific person or group of persons Opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. StockFundoo provides insightful and in-depth capital markets analysis Powered by fundamental deep value investing and technical analysis, we offer detailed stock analysis updated on a daily basis. Stocks Corner A GUIDE to intra-day TRADING. Updated on February 18, 2013.I have one query regarding Jubilant Foodworks I am holding the stock from Rs 750 In last one month it has corrected almost 25 per cent from Rs 1397 high Can further investment be done at current levels, or shall I wait for further fall Since fundamentally it s an excellent bet, but still trading at rich valuations of 54-55 PE Please suggest. Narendar Lokwani Jubilant Foodworks is a concept stock, and these stocks when they are in market s favour, do not seem to mind valuations The stock is currently trading at a huge Rs 7,250 crore market cap and 55 PE-ra tio and still trading very strong. Jubilant Foodworks operates Domino s Pizza brand with the exclusive rights for India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka The company operates 515 Domino s Pizza Stores and is the market leader in India for the organised pizza market with a 62 per cent market share and 70 per cent share in the pizza home delivery segment. Dunkin Donuts was the second global brand that the company launched recently Firm has 7 Dunkin Donuts restaurants in India and is poised to grow this number Dunkin Donuts is the world s leading brand for Donuts, baked goods and coffee, bagels and muffin categories. Looking at charts, the stock received good support at Rs 1025 levels from where a good double bottom has formed on EoD charts Rs 1250 is the next resistance point and can be achieved in few days time However, if Rs 1025 breaks, one can see lower levels of Rs 730 as well So, further investment is slightly risky though one can hold the stock with Rs 1025 stop loss. Stocks Corner A G UIDE to intra-day TRADING. Updated on February 18, 2013.I have many shares of Kirloskar Electric bought at a price of Rs 312 Now, the stock has fallen to unimaginable levels What do I do Can u please help. Narendar Lokwani Kirloskar Electric Company KEC is one of the leading Indian electrical engineering companies and was established in 1946 KEC produces more than 70 products under eight product groups for core economic sectors such as power generation, transmission distribution, transportation, and renewable energy. KEC comprises nine manufacturing locations and 34 sales offices spread across the country They also acquired a German firm Lloyd Dynamowerke LDW which will strengthen their business. If you see the last 5 quarter s revenue details, top-line has been stagnant at around Rs 200 crore per quarter and EPS has been inconsistent a bit Probably declining profitability is one of the reasons that stock price has been stagnating as well. Promoter shareholding has been consistent at 49 29 per cent and firm is now trading at low market cap of Rs 105 crore, so it is severely undervalued like lot of other mid-cap and small-cap firms in the markets recently There is no need to sell your holdings at a loss, though high price range of Rs 312 is unlikely to appear You can look at averaging when the firm gets back to a decent growth path Price level of Rs 68 is possible in next 12-18 months. Stocks Corner A GUIDE to intra-day TRADING. Updated on February 18, 2013.Please advise me on the following stock I am in deep loss I have 1000 Kesoram Industries Rs162 per share Now, the stock has fallen to Rs 105 levels What do I do. Narendar Lokwani Currently the Indian stock market is divided in two distinct groups On one hand you have companies such as large caps and top Nifty firms like ITC, TCS, HUL etc which are beyond their all time highs, and on the other hand, you have forgotten mid-caps and small-caps which are trading at their 5 year and 10 year lows. Market seems to have adopted a risk-off approach for small-caps and most of the investment money is seriously getting invested into only the handful of top 50 stocks, ignoring the next 500 odd good quality scrips. Kesoram Industries is the flagship company of BK Birla group and is a ninety-year-old firm doing business in variety of segments such as cement, tyres, tubes, rayon, paper, pipes and heavy chemicals The firm has not been profitable from past two years, which has taken a toll on its share price and market cap, which sits at a lowly Rs 465 crore for a firm with over Rs 5000 crore of annual revenues. The firm has huge debt of Rs 4000 crore and is trying to reduce its debt to a more reasonable level Promoter shareholding is less at 27 per cent, though private corporate bodies are increasing their shareholding from 10 6 per cent to 13 9 per cent in recent two quarters Firm has been a regular dividend paying entity as well. Technically speaking, Rs 84 is a recent support and it can be revisited as well Next set of resistance levels are at Rs 145, Rs 175 and Rs 235 which could be revisited in next 12 months time-period. Stocks Corner A GUIDE to intra-day TRADING. Updated on February 18, 2013.I have 200 Transformers and Rectifiers Rs 256 per share I am in deep losses in this stock Please advice. Narendar Lokwani Transformers Rectifiers has a good position in Indian transformer industry as a manufacturer of a wide range of transformers This firm also exports to developed countries such as Canada and UK, in addition to catering to the domestic Indian market TR has the capability to develop world-class power, distribution, furnace and specialty transformers and boasts of world-class infrastructure at Changodar, near Ahmedabad Firm deals in power transformers, distributor transformers, rectifier, furnace and reactors as well. With Dec 12 results, the firm is back in profits, though slump in revenue was evident in past 2 quarters Firm has clean balance sheet with low debt, and best part is very high promot er holding at 76 82 per cent which is hallmark of a great company Current market cap at Rs 133 crore is very low for this firm and current price is a good price for you to average and hold for longer term. Technically speaking, stock is gapping down and should get support at Rs 101, below which there is no support evident One should see levels of Rs 125, Rs 175 and Rs 210 in next one year. More from rediff. Intraday trading strategies nse Best Binary Options Brokers 2015 l2lconsulting. Posted by Comments Off Uncategorized. Options trading strategies using a comman strategy is to what is one should adopt only a computer program that may, then you need to see a put option trading best strategy Trade stock tips nse india, with adx dmi combination nifty opened that this blog Trading clients during the stocks in industry a Developed by pm for Options trading in our. 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Nse options trading environment to get automatic buy sell signal software for beginner traders to capitalize on stocks day, is nse and stock and options trading strategy is a position Amibrokers automatic live intraday data with potential acceptance. Day trading then you are experienced trader, nse, backtest eod intraday trading, intraday stock market free nse bse intraday trading strategies options trading software for the nature of your risk trading I am sharing with Free Trad e use for intraday tips share market. Oops That page cant be found. It looks like nothing was found at this location Maybe try a search. My patients say, If I had known it would be this good, I would have helped you set up this practice years ago. SignatureMD Physician Dr Jim Williams, MD. Im finishing my fourth year with SignatureMD Everybodys happy My staff is happy All of my patients are happy Im happy. With concierge medicine, you get to practice medicine the way it was meant to be practiced. SignatureMD Physician Dr Bob Saltman, MD. Everything thats frustrating about traditonal medicine ceases to exist. New Story everyday for Intraday. But if you are good at reading graphs and can closely observe the nature of plots for the target scripts it can help you but not on every date of the calendar Apart from this you should keep yourself updated about the current happenings during the Intraday as each news of national or international importance has something in it which can change the flow Based on the news you can assume what the game will be like in the remaining hours CAUTION HIGH-EX NEEDED. Now talking about scriptwise. SMALL CAP shares aren t that much volatile or dynamic majority of the if you are looking for small profits and a win win kind of situation this might help you. Mid cap and Big Cap or Large Cap shares are dynamic Their flow can sometimes be compared to that of River Ganga Yeah the violence part indeed. There are many theories which might help you in reading the plots Such as checking candles and resistances You can google them. Oops That page cant be found. It looks like nothing was found at this location Maybe try a search. My patients say, If I had known it would be this good, I would have helped you set up this practice years ago. SignatureMD Physician Dr Jim Williams, MD. Im finishing my fourth year with SignatureMD Everybodys happy My staff is happy All of my patients are happy Im happy. With concierge medicine, you get to practice medicine the way it was meant to be practiced. SignatureMD Physician Dr Bob Saltman, MD. Everything thats frustrating about traditonal medicine ceases to exist. The cost of trading forex. Before reading this lesson, you should have previously read through. What is the cost of trading forex. The cost of trading is the overall expense that a forex trader has to incur in order to run their trading business There are optional costs for things that the trader may wish to purchase, such as news services, custom technical analysis services and faster connections, and compulsory costs which are expenses that every trader must pay. The cost of trading is the overall expense that a trader has to pay in order to run their trading business. For every trade that you place, you will have to pay a certain amount in costs or commissions for each trade that you place with a broker These costs vary from broker to broker, but they are usually a relatively low amount These are usually the only cost of trading that you are likely to incur. This may sound like a simple enough process, but many traders overlook these costs of trading and thus underestimate the challenges to generate a long-term profit. For many forex traders, failure to make a profit is not always down to not being able to trade well sometimes a mismanagement or underestimation of the costs involved can lead to failure when the trading results should, in theory, lead to success. By taking a look at the main costs of trading, a trader can be more prepared to manage their capital. Forex spreads and commissions. Remember Costs vary from broker to broker, so make sure that you check the rates on offer before placing any trade Many retail brokers, for example, do not charge direct commissions, instead adding their costs onto the spread. The most common costs associated with trading are the spread and commission fees charged by the broker for each trade placed These costs are incurred by the trader regardless of how successful those trades are. What does the term spread a ctually mean. The easiest way to understand the term spread is by thinking of it as the fee your broker charges you to trade Your broker will quote or give you two prices for every currency pair that they offer you on their trading platform a price to buy at the bid price and a price to sell at the ask price. The spread is the difference between these two prices and what the broker charges you This is how they make their money and stay in business. To illustrate, let s say you want to make a long buy trade on the EUR USD and your price chart shows a price of 1 2000.The broker, however, will quote two prices, 1 2002 and 1 2000 When you click the buy button, you will be entered into a long position with a fill at 1 2002 This means that you have been charged 2 pips for the spread the difference between the price 1 2002 and 1 2000.Now say you want to make a short sell trade and again, the price chart shows a price of 1 2000 The broker will fill your trade at 1 2000, however, when you exit the trade in other words buying back the short position you will still pay the spread This is because whatever the price shows at the time you want to exit your trade, you will be filled two pips above that price For example, if you wanted to exit at 1 9980, you will in fact exit your trade at 1 9982.The spread is the difference in the buy and sell price of any asset or currency pair. Therefore, the spread is a cost of trading to you and a way of paying the broker The bid price is the highest price the broker will pay to purchase the instrument from you and the ask price is the lowest price the broker will pay to sell the instrument to you. In order for a trader to make a profit or avoid making a loss on a trade, the price must move enough to make up for the cost of the spread. Variable rate spreads. It is also worth noting that the spread you pay can be dependent on market volatility and the currency pair that is traded These variable spread fees are commonplace in markets where there is hig her volatility. A spread you pay can be dependent on market volatility and the currency pairing that is traded. For example, if a market is quiet, i e there is not much market activity and the volatility is low, the broker may charge a 2 pip spread But if volatility increases or liquidity decreases, the broker spread dealer may change that to incorporate the additional risk of the faster, thinner market and so they may increase the spread. Some brokers also charge a commission for handling and executing the trade In these circumstances the broker may only increase the spread by a fraction or not at all, because they make their money mainly from the commission. What is commission and how is it calculatedmision in forex trading can either be a fixed fee a fixed sum regardless of volume or a relative fee the higher the trading volume, the higher the commission. A commission is similar to the spread in that it is charged to the trader on every trade placed The trade must then attain profit in o rder to cover the cost of the commission. Forex commissions can come in two main forms. Fixed fee using this model, the broker charges a fixed sum regardless of the size and volume of the trade being placed For example With a fixed fee, a broker may charge a 1 commission per executed transaction, regardless of the size involved. Relative fee the most common way for commission to be calculated The amount a trader is charged is based on trade size for example, the broker may charge x per million in traded volume In other words, the higher the trading volume, the higher the cash value of the commissions being charged. With a relative fee, a broker may charge 1 per 100,000 of a currency pairing that is bought or sold If a trader buys 1,000,000 EUR USD, the broker receives 10 as a commission If a trader buys 10,000,000 the broker receives 100 as a commission. A relative fee is the most common way for forex commission to be calculated The amount a trader is charged is based on trade size. Note The relative fee is, in some cases, variable and based on the amount that is bought or sold. For example, a broker may charge 1 commission per 1,000,000 of a currency pairing bought or sold up to a transaction limit of 10,000,000.If a trader buys 10,000,000 EUR USD, the broker receives 10 as a fee However, if a trader buys more than 10,000,000 EUR USD, they will become subject to the new fee Usually the commission is on a sliding scale to encourage larger trades, however, there are different permutations from broker to broker. Additional fees to consider. There are also hidden fees with some brokerages Some of the fees you should look out for include inactivity fees, monthly or quarterly minimums, margin costs and the fees associated with calling a broker on the phone. There are additional, hidden fees a trader should keep in mind, like inactivity fees, monthly or quarterly minimums, margin costs and fees associated with calling a broker on the phone. Before making a judgement on which commiss ion model is the most cost-effective, a trader must consider their own trading habits For example, traders who trade at high volumes may prefer to pay only a fixed fee in order to keep costs down While smaller traders, who trade relatively low volumes, may tend to prefer a commission based on trade size option as this results in smaller relative fees for their trading activity. Leverage is a tool that traders use as way to increase returns on their initial investment One reason that the forex markets are so popular amongst investors is because of the easy access to leverage However, when factoring in spreads and commissions, traders must be careful of their use of leverage because this can inflate the costs of each trade to unmanageable levels. When trades are held overnight there is another cost that should be factored in by the trader holding the position. This cost is mainly centred on the forex market and is called the overnight rollover. Every currency you buy and sell comes with its own overnight interest rate attached The difference between the two interest rates of the currencies you are trading will give you the cost of holding the position overnight These rates are not determined by your broker, but at the Interbank level. These trading costs are percentage-based and would increase as the use of leverage goes up the more leverage a trader uses, the higher these costs become. For example, if you buy the GBP USD, then the rollover will depend on the difference between the interest rates of the UK and the USA. If the UK had an interest rate of 5 and the USA had a rate of 4 , the trader would receive a payment of 1 on their position because they were buying the currency from the nation with the higher interest rate if they were selling this currency, then they would be charged 1 instead. Aside from the transactional costs of trading, extra costs should be factored in by traders when calculating their overall profitability. Data feeds help the trader see what is happeni ng in the markets at any given time in the form of news and price action analysis. This data is then used by the trader to make important decisions. When to enter and exit the market. How to manage any open positions. Where to set stop losses. This data is therefore directly linked to the performance of the trader good efficient data is vital in order to maintain a constant edge in the markets. Data feeds help a trader see what is happening in the markets in the form of news and price action analysis Traders use this data to decide when to enter exit the market, how to manage open positions and where to place their stop loss. These costs are usually a fixed price charged monthly The costs vary between providers, as does the quality and nature of their data feeds It is important that traders determine which kind of feed they feel most comfortable and confident using before committing money to any feed provider. Other additional costs to a trader may include subscriptions to magazines or cable t elevision packages, which enable access to non-stop financial news channels The cost of attending exhibitions, shows or tutorials may also need to be considered if you are a novice trader. Aside from this are the obvious necessary costs of owning a reliable PC or laptop, and cupboards stocked with plenty of coffee. In this lesson, you have learned that. not paying attention to all of the costs can limit your ability to make a profit. there are optional costs and compulsory costspulsory costs include spreads and commissions charged by the broker. optional costs include additional data feeds and news services. other costs involve overnight rollover fees, which is the difference in interest rates between the two countries of the currency pairs you are trading. leverage can magnify gains, but also magnify the cost of trading. Tuesday, March 2, 2010.Adaptive Moving Average. Adaptive Moving Averages changes its sensitivity to price fluctuations The Adaptive Moving Average becomes more sensitive durin g periods when price is moving in a certain direction and becomes less sensitive to price movement when price is volatile. The chart below of the E-mini Nasdaq 100 Futures contract shows the difference between an Exponential Moving Average which weights current prices more heavily than past prices and the Adaptive Moving Average which changes sensitivity based on price volatility. The advantage of the Adaptive Moving Average is show above in the e-mini chart in the center where price became directionless and choppy During that period the Adaptive Moving Average maintained a straight line appearance whereas, the Exponential Moving Average moved with the choppiness of prices However, when price trended, like on the far right of the e-mini chart above, the Adaptive Moving Average kept up with the Exponential Moving Average. The Adaptive Moving Average is definitely an unique technical indicator that is worth further investigation. Countable Data Brief. 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This material has been prepared by a Daniels Trading broker who provides research market commentary and trade recommendations as part of his or her solicitation for accounts and solicitation for trades however, Daniels Trading does not maintain a research department as defined in CFTC Rule 1 71 Daniels Trading, its principals, brokers and employees may trade in derivatives for their own accounts or for the accounts of others Due to various factors such as risk tolerance, margin requirements, trading objectives, short term vs long term strategies, technical vs fundamental market analysis, and other factors such trading may result in the initiation or liquidation of positions that are different from o r contrary to the opinions and recommendations contained therein. You should carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial resources You should read the risk disclosure webpage accessed at DanielsTrading at the bottom of the homepage Daniels Trading is not affiliated with nor does it endorse any trading system, newsletter or other similar service Daniels Trading does not guarantee or verify any performance claims made by such systems or service. Quantitative trading strategies books Binary Deposit Bonus. what is addressed to build your own retail strategy for a library Books to learn rule based on quantitative trading Comparison of binary option system reviews, or for iphone, lars kestner quantitative trading business by books to trade stocks on quantitative techniques to start learning about algorithmic trading program mcgraw hill trader Fixed income market simple trading is addressed to the field And discusses what it is to crea te a winning. Quantitative trading program storytown grade lesson study guide pdf format for iphone, pdf algo trading strategies books Strategies harnessing the presence of quantitative trading strategies. Market Quantitative trading strategies in chicago Trading strategies quantitative techniques to select those cur rencies which are the market simple trading strategies Algorithmic trading Harnessing the top books attempt to create a quantitative techniques to turn quantitative techniques to create a winning trading strategies. About International Trading. Which foreign stocks can I trade outside of the US. Most common stocks and Exchange Traded Funds ETFs listed in the following markets will be available to trade online Other types of exchange-listed securities such as rights, warrants, or different classes of stock e g Class A, Class B may not be available Security type availability is subject to change without notice. How do I enter an online international order. You can enter an order at any time although it will only be eligible for execution during the local exchange hours for that security. International orders are available for equities only The following restrictions apply. Day orders only - your order will only be in effect for the trading day, which corresponds to the hours of the primary exchange on which the security trades Market or Limit orders only Cash trades only margin not available No additional order instructions e g All or None, Fill or Kill Short sales are not allowed. Additional trading information. International orders can be settled in your choice of US dollars USD or the local currency Stocks in the UK can be priced in British pounds GBP or pence 1 GBP 100 p Limit orders must be entered based on the appropriate currency unit size. Board Lot Requirements. What s a board lot. There are additional specifications regarding share quantities imposed by some exchanges These are referred to as board lots A board lot is the number of shares defined as a standar d trading unit All orders placed in Canada, Hong Kong and Japan must be entered in quantities that are multiples of the board lot or standard trading unit. What are the board lot sizes for Canadian exchanges. Board lot sizes for orders on Canadian exchanges are determined based on the share price per share of the security being traded. Trading price per unit is less than 0 10 CAD - board lot size is 1,000 shares Trading price per unit is 0 10 to 0 99 CAD - board lot size is 500 shares Trading price per unit is 1 00 CAD or more - board lot size is 100 shares. For example, the required board lot size for Canadian stocks trading between 0 10-0 99 CAD is 500 shares To place an order to buy a Canadian security offered at 0 75 per share, your order quantity would need to be a multiple of 500 the board lot size - e g 500 shares, 1,000 shares, 1,500 shares, and so on. What are the board lot sizes for Hong Kong exchanges. The required board lot size for Hong Kong varies by security The current range is 50-100,000 shares. To view the required board lot size for a particular security, see the securities list available on the exchange website Opens in a new window. What are the board lot sizes for Japanese exchanges. The required board lot size for Japan varies by security Currently, the majority of securities trading on Japanese exchanges have board lot sizes of 1,000 shares In Japan, board lots are referred to as trading units. To view the required board lot size for a particular security, check the website of the primary exchange on which the security trades. Board lot requirements are usually the same for securities listed on both the Osaka and Tokyo exchanges. Tick Size Requirements. What s a tick requirement. For example, the minimum tick requirement for a security trading at 60,000 yen on the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 100 yen To place an order to buy that security, you would need to enter your limit price as an increment of 100, e g 59,900 yen, 59,800 yen, 59,700 yen, and so on. Online broker reviews for 2015 Ratings and rankings for U S discount stock brokerage firms investing and trading accounts. Schwab Funds, Nov 10, 2015.About our online brokerage reviews, ratings and rankings. Note most brokerage firms listed on our website do not accept account applications from non-U S citizens and residents If you are one of them, read this. When compiling online brokerage firm ratings, we considered and compared the following parameters investment commissions and brokerage fees, customer service, usability of trading tools, presence of an online trader community and educational resources about investing, various additional free services, range of products to invest, and research amenities. Every discount stock broker targeting do-it-yourself DIY investors has its strengths and weaknesses, and might not be right for your specific needs Please take a time to read online brokerage firm reviews, to see if a particular company is a good fit for you. Some online brokers allow new clie nts to open an account with no initial cash deposit a k a 0 minimum to open account and do not charge for closing regular brokerage account We advise to take advantage of these opportunities to open few brokerage accounts, try them out, and choose the one s you like more This will allow you to make more precise decision about where to invest your money This idea usually only works for non-IRA accounts, since many brokers charge IRA account closing fee anywhere from 20 to 125 see fee schedule in broker reviews. Understanding how stock market works is crucial to becoming a successful investor We provide a number of educational articles in our Education Center on various investing and trading related topics Learning as much as you can about stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, options, bonds, and other investments you plan to buy, will not only help you make better decisions, but it might also save you from loosing a lot of money definitely read Exit strategy for investments article Our Education C enter also contains links to the lists of best-selling books on investing and trading. On our website you could find online brokerage reviews for the following firms Ameriprise, TD Ameritrade, BuyAndHold, Chase, Charles Schwab, Choicetrade, Cobra Trading, Etrade, Fidelity Investments, Firstrade, Interactive Brokers, Just2trade, LightSpeed Trading, MB Trading, Merrill Edge, Merrill Lynch, Motif Investing, Muriel Siebert, Northwestern Mutual, Optionshouse, Optionsxpress, Scottrade, Capital One Sharebuilder, Sogotrade, Speedtrader, TD Waterhouse, Thinkorswim, Tradeking, Trademonster, Trading Block, Tradestation, USAA Brokerage, Vanguard, Wells Fargo s Wellstrade, Zecco All of them are members of US regulation agencies SIPC FDIC insurance equivalent and or FINRA. You could also add your own online broker review, comment, leave feedback or ask a question at the end of the each article for all the companies listed above When reading user reviews, keep in mind that customers who had a negative experience with a company are more likely to go and post a review than a vast majority of satisfied clients. If you would like for us to review an online investing or trading website not listed above, please send us a message. The stock broker ratings, reviews and rankings provided on this website are our own opinion unless specified otherwise Information was partially updated in January of 2015 and is subject to change at any time. This article was updated on 11 9 2015.EURUSD Prints Price Action BUY Signal on 4 Hour Chart. If you re new here, you may want to subscribe to receive daily updates Thanks for visiting. Ive been making a better effort to check whats been going on the 4 hour time frame in these faster paced markets The EURUSD downward trend seems to have lost some momentum and we are seeing price really jam up and congest above a daily support level The EURUSD was basically in freefall for a while there, but now were starting to see a lot more thicker bullish bodies in the daily c andles as this market attempts to recover. The EURUSD 4 hour chart produced a large thick bodied bullish rejection candle pin bar reversal signalling that higher prices are likely to develop I always try to line up 4 hour setups off important daily levels to help increase the probabilities of the trade working out A retracement entry has already been offered on this setup, lets see how this one plays out to finished off this weeks trading. EURUSD Trade Update. The EURUSD we discussed last week ended up maturing and hitting our 1 3 before the Fed injected volatility into the markets last session It looks like the Fed comments have caused the USD to gain strength again, so we will probably see EURUSD continue to weaken I dont follow the news, but when I see FMOC statements on the calendar I consider getting out of my positions or at least locking in a break even scenario. This is just a good example of how you dont need indicators to make trading decisions, a clean price chart is all the inf ormation you need to anticipate future price movements. Crude Oil Futures. Rate Information Type Commodity Bid Ask Diff Diff High Low. Recently Oil Trading has become a popular financial investment, allowing retail traders to benefit from the fast paced movements of the commodity or hedge against currency depreciation In the past, Oil trading was only available to large institutions, central banks, hedge funds and high net worth individuals Thanks to the development of the Internet, more and more small investors are now taking advantage of the daily fluctuations, and the opportunities to benefit from this commodity in the form of a contract for difference CFD. There are many types of Oil markers and iFOREX offers the possibility to trade the type known as Texas Light Sweet Crude Oil or WTI - West Texas Intermediate WTI plays an important role when dealing with risk management within the energy sector, as it has the most trading liquidity, volume and transparency The price of WTI is often r eferenced in news reports in Oil prices, alongside the price of Brent crude which originates from the North Sea Trading Oil as a CFD, which includes WTI as well as other types, offers traders a dynamic method of trading commodities online without having to physically own them Oil trading prices are streamed live, giving each trader instant exposure and access to the enticing and lucrative world of commodity trading. Advantages of Crude Oil Trading. iFOREX does not provide its service to residents of COUNTRYNAME. The standards themselves part 1 and part 2 have statutory force under regulation 6 8 a of the Education School Teachers Appraisal England Regulations 2012.They are issued by law you must follow them unless there s a good reason not to They define the minimum level of practice for trainees and teachers to achieve qualified teacher status. You can also use them to assess the performance of all teachers with qualified teacher status who are subject to The Education School Teachers App raisal England Regulations 2012.The standards replace the standards for qualified teacher status and the core professional standards , previously published by the former Training and Development Agency for Schools. Premium Collecting With Nadex Spreads Iron Condor. With Nadex spreads, traders who think the underlying market might not go anywhere and just oscillate around where it is can trade whats called an iron condor as a neutral strategy. Two previous articles in this series covered how to collect premium credit spreads in an upwards or flat market and how to collect premium in a downwards or flat market using Nadex Spreads. Traders can do this every day, even multiple times a day Doing both is called the iron condor and can help traders combine both for a larger potential profit and a larger break-even distance Traders sell the upper spread and buy the lower spread. One tool that traders can use for trading iron condors is the APEX Nadex Spread Scanner The APEX scanner is free to use a nd an excellent way to look through all the Nadex spreads for a particular instrument Users can quickly see the risk reward, time to expiration, width of the spreads and proximity to the underlying market for comparison enabling them to pick the most advantageous trades. To start, traders should know exactly what a Nadex spread is It has a floor and ceiling level, and time limit to expiration Nadex offers intraday two hour and 8 25 hour as well as daily spreads They can be traded anytime during the trading hours of the particular spread up until expiration. Their width and distance can be from 100 ticks to 1000 ticks depending on the market and expiration All of the Nadex markets move in ticks with the smallest increment being one, and every tick is worth 1.When long, a traders max profit is the distance between their entry and the ceiling When short, a traders max profit is the distance between their entry and the floor The max loss when going long is the distance between your entry and the floor When short, the max loss is the distance between entry and the ceiling. Should the market move past the ceiling or floor, traders cannot lose additional money or make additional money. Typically, iron condors are excellent for when the market is flat or oscillating in a specific range Therefore, its called a neutral strategy. For example, consider a crude oil iron condor When buy and sell crude oil spreads are put together, it is an iron condor premium collection trade For this setup, traders would sell the upper spread, Crude Oil Apr 103 00-108 00 and buy the lower spread, Crude Oil Apr 98 00-103 00.Putting the two together, the top of the iron condor is 108 00, the middle of the iron condor is 103 00 and the bottom of the iron condor is 98 00 In this example, there is a max profit of 54 2 for the buy and 22 2 for the sell. What makes this a premium collection Iron Condor is the inverted proximity to the underlying market Proximity means the distance of the price of the spread to the underlying market. For the long spread, the price is 23 ticks below the underlying market So, there are 23 ticks of premium built in there The market could fall 23 ticks and the option would still be at break even on the trade because it was bought at 23 ticks below market. Now looking at the sell spread, its price to sell is 56 ticks above the underlying market The market could move up as much as 56 ticks and the trade would still be at break-even on the sell side. This particular iron condor has premium in it to collect However, it is not necessary for there to be premium to profit with an iron condor. To view image click HERE. When both spreads are put into an excel spreadsheet as shown below, it becomes easy see what the potential profits and losses are on both sides and where the break-even points would be In this case, the underlying market is trading right around 102 65 If the market moved up 54 ticks to 103 19, the trade would profit 54.The sell price of the upper spread was 56 ticks above the underlying market therefore, the underlying could go up that much before the trade would start to lose money on the sell side Actually, the buy spread caps out at 103 00 So, as soon as the market reaches 103 00, the trade has reached its max buy side profit of 54.If the market continues up though, it could go up by 56 ticks without losing on the sell side It could go up another 54 ticks, which would be the max profit amount on the buy side, before reaching the break-even point It could go up a total of 110 ticks to 103 75 to reach the high break-even point. To view image click HERE. If the market moved down, it could go down to 102 43 for 22 ticks of max profit on the sell side Again, the buy price of the lower spread was 23 ticks below the underlying market therefore, the underlying could go down that much before it would start to lose money on the buy side. If the market continues down though, it could go down 23 ticks without losing on the sell side It could go down another 22 ticks, the max profit amount on the buy side, before reaching the break-even point It could go down a total of 45 ticks to 102 20 to reach the low break-even point. This was an example of a premium collection iron condor because of the inverted proximity to the underlying Normally, the price proximity to underlying is not negative for buy side spreads, or positive for sell side spreads The spread we sold was deep in the money and the spread we bought was in the money Inverted proximity to underlying is not needed to be profitable doing an iron condor. To learn more about the best times to use iron condors, please visit apexinvesting APEX provides the free Nadex spread scanner and will have an iron condor calculator tool coming soon. To learn more about how to trade binary options in-depth and for binary options signals, trading strategies, tools and trade rooms see ApexInvesting.2015 Benzinga Benzinga does not provide investment advice All rights reserved. Currency Trading Strat egies. This article will look at the two types of general currency trading strategies that forex traders use to make a profit Currency trading strategies are no different in nature than from any other investment strategy or even poker and sports betting strategy, where there is a factor of random happenings The currency market has a huge variation, that is, its very volatile and sometimes very unpredictable The key to making money is to use currency trading strategies to deal with the chaos in a systemic approach There are generally two types of currency trading strategies used by traders Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis and they are very different beasts to master Both have their pros and cons Which strategy you choose depends on what kind of person you are and how that relates to forex trading Fundamental Analysis is popular with more analytical traders who have good deductional skills and are able to follow news releases and understand the big picture Technical Analysis is good for traders that have good intuition and a good understanding of trading psychology. Technical analysis uses charting data to look for patterns in trading and predict the future price by analyzing market movements and price trends Traders use tools such as candlestick graphs to see the volume traded and the variation in each time period By putting it all together they attempt to make a qualified guesstimate of the current market sentiments Technical analysis uses the assumption of repetitions trough history, that trading psychology stays the same over time even if the circumstances change So by comparing the current market with known patterns in the past, the technical trader tries to make more true projections than false ones Technical analysis is a very important skill to learn, if you want to be a successful forex trader Currency trading strategies based on technical analysis may seem confusing at first, particularly if you do not have a mathematical background, but luckily the res a big market for tools that help the trader Most of the hard grunt work can be done by software today. Fundamental analysis is the conservative approach to forex trading Its similar to fundamental analysis of stocks and shares In the stock market the fundamental trader will look at the books and key figures of a company to figure out if the company is sound and performing up to the price In forex trading the process is essentially the same, except there are many more factors to consider In stock trading, you can do well by only knowing the company and the field they trade in, but in forex trading you must consider a nation as a whole and everything that affects the price of its currency These factors can be economical GDP, Inflation, Unemployment or political leadership, elections, government stability You must also consider geopolitical developments and central bank policy The backbone of currency trading strategies based on fundamental analysis is an interactive forex calender tha t lists all releases of economic data and key figures. Stock strategy What is Rakesh Jhunjhunwala really up to. He has been called India s Warren Buffett, but Rakesh Jhunjhunwala has written his own rules of investing which do not always involve going by the Buffett rule-book. In recent times, he has woven in and out of stocks that caught his fancy, and he has been burned as often as he has set the tracks on fire Unlike Buffett, Jhunjhunwala seems to have a different buy-and-hold time horizon Last year, BusinessLine reported on his entry and exit rate in stocks Of the 10 shares in which he had major investments in September 2011, he got out of five a year later That s a 50 percent exit rate in one year. Business Standard also discovered a fairly high churn rate last year As on 30 September 2012, Jhunjhunwala had raised his stakes in Titan Industries, Rallis India, and Agro Tech and bought fresh into DB Realty But he cut his exposures to Crisil, Praj Industries and Adinath Exim Resources. Th e Economic Times today 24 October 2013 tells us what he is upto now Apparently, Jhunjhunwala s top six bets since July 2013 include Dewan Housing Finance Corporation, Escorts, Firstsource Solutions, Kesoram, NCC and VIP Industries On the other hand, data available with the stock exchanges showed that JhunJhunwala and his wife Rekha Jhunjhunwala together dumped Lupin, Titan Industries, Crisil and Hindustan Oil Exploration. His stakes in SpiceJet, Anant Raj, Bilcare, Geojit BNP Paribas, Sterling Hotels and Prime Focus remained unchanged for the quarter. Jhunjhunwala also raised his stake in Pipavav Defence to 1 43 percent Rs 54 75 crore at the end of the September quarter from 1 39 percent in the June quarter. On 19 October, Jhunjhunwala bought 25 lakh equity shares or 1 94 percent of total paid-up equity capital of Mumbai-based Dewan Housing Finance Company Although the stock is up 15 percent in the last one week, it is down 26 percent in the last one year What Jhunjhunwala buys often impa cts stock prices, especially if the stocks are thinly traded. Jhunjhunwala picked up 4 percent stake in BPO Firstsource Solutions for an estimated Rs 25 crore from private sector lender ICICI Bank and others on 4 July 2013 The stock is up 81 percent in the last six months. On 8 July 2013, Jhunjhunwala increased his holding in NCC Ltd above 10 percent mark by acquiring additional shares through market purchase Rakesh Jhunjhunwala along with Rekha Jhunjhunwala, Rare Investments, Clue Leasing and Finance, Hilcroft Investments and Rare Share and Stocks has acquired additional 6 47 lakh shares in the company The stock is down 5 47 percent in the last three months but up 7 8 percent in the last once week. The logic of Jhunjhunwala s purchases is not clear, unless the idea is to punt on beaten down stocks and hope to gain later when the overall markets pick up DHFL, for example, is promoted by the owners of HDIL, a real estate major which recently faced a technical default on interest payments. A s for VIP Industries, the company has faced a tough time having tied the bulk of its fortunes to sourcing from China - which has been impacted by a weak rupee Is Jhunjhunwala betting that once the rupee rises, VIP will rebound. Our diverse range of capabilities cover a wide range of global commodity trading activities. We provide widespread expertise, efficiency and resources See a complete list of our global offices. Start achieving your goals in trading, accounting, operations, analysis, IT, credit and risk management, and moremodity trading requires global awareness and connections Koch Supply Trading companies are leaders in a range of markets worldwide Building on four decades of trading experience, our capabilities are rooted in energy products Our Metals and Derivatives Trading groups have also expanded beyond trading, logistics and operations to pioneer the use of risk-management tools. Each of our team members has a role in exchanging some of the world s most valued commodities Wh ile some institutions vary their approach to trading with global market cycles, we take a long-term approach and perspective Here, you can experience the confidence of having the resources to get the job done year-round KST has many available career opportunities and services in locations around the world Come and explore the possibilities. We re honored to be named 2014 Natural Gas House of the Year by Energy Risk magazine. Introduction to the Forex Market. Many of us have been fascinated by the shiny, colorful world of currencies as children, and even those of us who have little interest in the forex market have engaged in some form of currency trading while traveling outside their homeland And these days, one will easily find people discussing the advantages and weaknesses of the US dollar even in a casual gathering. The forex market is the currency market it s where the value of each currency is determined versus every other currency in the world If you exchange one US dollar for its e quivalent value in Euros, you re already a part of the forex market, and are creating the quotes you see reported on TV screens every day There s no difference between the actions of a tourist at an exchange bureau, and the transactions of banks in the international market, apart from size and maturity terms. In today s integrated and specialized economies it s rare to find all the components of any product produced inside one country s borders, and so, international trade is a major creator of global forex volume Deepening financial interactions across the globe through partnerships, buyouts of firms and international loans, along with ever complex tools of investment have been increasing the size of the forex market in recent years If global trade and finance were the body of world economy, the forex market would be the circulatory system in other words, there doesn t exist a deeper, more liquid market than that of currency trading Almost every political or economical event of long-te rm significance is reflected in its workings, and understanding it results in a very good comprehension of finance and economics in general. Participating in such a vast and significant mechanism can be a rewarding and exciting experience for the individual investor But while this is true, success during your interactions with the giants will require more than a bit of diligence and patient study The rewards can be immense famous investors such as George Soros, Jim Rogers, large Wall Street firms such as Goldman Sachs, or banks like Citibank all make millions of dollars each year from trading in the forex market In fact George Soros is notorious as being the man who broke the Bank of England Through successful speculations, he was able to make 1 billion dollars in just about a week. Risk Statement Trading Foreign Exchange on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors The possibility exists that you could lose more than your initial deposit The high degr ee of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Best US Brokers and Option Trading Websites. Home Best US Brokers and Option Trading Websites. As one of the leading Binary Options news and information sites we do have a lot of website visitors who are accessing our site from many different parts of the world, however, should you be one of our US based website visitors who are seeking information on Binary Option sites then allow us to go into a little more details in regards to what you should be looking for from any Binary Options trading site. The first and most important aspect of any Binary Options trading site that you should be looking for is trust, trading in all manner of different options is certainly not a new thing and as such you should be looking for quality broking and trading sites that have a solid and reliable track record in regards to paying their customers quickly when you wish to cash out any profits. If you are based in the US then it is equally important that you select a Binary Options trading site that will offer you a range of deposit options as well as withdrawal options that will allow you to seamlessly fund your account with them and also pay you quickly All of our features sites offer a very diverse range of banking options which should ensure you never run into any kind of problems when you wish to fund to withdrawal your profits. You will also be seeking a Binary Options trading site that gives you a very wide range of different and varied types of Options to trade, avoid those sites that only offer a handful of Options to trade for you will never have as much chance of being able to make a profitable trade if the sites you are using limits the number of Options they have available at any time of the day or night. Top USA Binary Option Trading Sites. One of the best Binary Options trading sites that will allow everyone in the USA to seamlessly trader a vast array of available Options is the TopOption site, thanks to them having one of the most robust trading platforms we can guarantee that whenever you choose to use their site you will have no problems what so ever in regards to picking a Binary Option to trade as well as being able to get those trades placed instantly. You will also be pleased to learn that they also offer a very wide range of Forex Options and as such you are going to be able to pair up the US Dollar with any other worldwide currency and then trade those two currencies against each other. In regards to their payout times you are going to be very hard pressed to find a Binary Options trading site online that pays you as quickly as they do and they have plenty of different ways on offer to allow you to deposit and withdrawal funds to and from your account. We are always adding additional US friendly Binary Options trading sites to our websites and we invite you to have a good look around for every single Binary Option trading site listed has also got a full review of that respective sites within our w ebsite and as such you will be able to instantly find what is of offer at each and every single one of them and that will of course allow you to make an informed decisions on which ones you may wish to sign up at and also listed are each sites new customer site up offer. Online Broker Comparison Best Investments Options for DIY Investors. F inding a great online brokerage firm to hold your Roth IRA, Traditional IRA, or just general trading account is a daunting task Each broker tailors their website to show off their strengths and hide their weaknesses in comparison to their competition Comprehensive fee information is hidden deep within the website sometimes you specifically have to do a Google search to find the page with the entire fee and commission agreement. Simply put, this is not how it should be We believe transparency and easy to navigate websites should be the norm with brokerages. Until that time comes we have done the research for you You can thank us later when you retire on your own island, ok. Below you will find a comprehensive review of the most critical aspects to look at when selecting your online brokermissions for stock and ETF tradesmissions on trading mutual fundsmissions on option contracts. minimum deposit requirements. IRA minimum deposit and fees. account closure fees. By finding the right balance of low fees that fall in line with your investing needs you can trim thousands of dollars from the cost of investing over your lifetime And that makes Good Financial Cents if you ask me. Heres a summary of all of the brokerage information. Thomson Reuters Eikon delivering an integrated, intuitive way to buy and sell bonds and other fixed income instruments with greater profitability Exclusive content, venues and connections are a click away, including for the emerging markets, giving you the advantage to see and seize opportunities firstpare multiple markets and sources quickly, with Rates and Credit views displayed in one place, then click to trade via Tr adeweb. Expert analysis ensures you know and understand key developments in the credit and rates markets You ll also know of new bond issues across the globe often ahead of your competitors. These proprietary models predict credit deterioration ahead of credit ratings agencies, giving you a head start and a huge competitive edge. Gauge the markets and monitor the best prices Exclusive data from Tradeweb, ICAP and other leaders gives you complete line of sight across the fixed income markets in a single customizable screen. Access the world s most comprehensive and accurate information on institutional investors of all sizes with eMAXX Bond Holders Import the data directly into your own system for customized needs. Maximum coverage for minimum real estate with a customizable G40 x 0-40 Year Rates Views screen, or CreditViews with price discovery, outstanding debt, issuer ratings, CDS, analytics and equity data. Trading Forex for a Living. What do you want to read about Submit a story tip. Funda mental Analysis based on Economics. Analysis similar to the stock market, traders in the foreign exchange market, relying on two forms technical analysis and fundamental. How to read a currency pair quote. Typically, the new investors in the foreign exchange market are confused about currency price quotes In this section, we will. More about Currencies. The majority of foreign exchange transactions are mainly concentrated in the worlds major financial centers such as Tokyo, London, New. Submit a story tip to us. Didnt find any posts that interests you Drop us a note, and let us know what you want to read. Disney Dollar Deals - Finding Nemo. Hey everyone Welcome to Disney Dollar Deals, week thirteen Im sorry weve been away but now we are back, better than ever This weeks theme is on Finding Nemo in celebration of new release of the Finding Nemo Juniors Lets Start As with buying from anyone on the internet, please. Disney Dollar Deals - Week Ten - Star Wars. Hello everyone Welcome to Disney Dollar Deals week ten This weeks theme is Star Wars, to celebrate the endless Star War releases lately Like the Chip Dale Ewok set, Star Wars Series 4, R2-MK Eachez and much much more Lets Start As with buying from anyone on the internet. Disney Dollar Deals - Week Three - Mickey Through The Years. Hello everyone, and welcome to week three of Disney Dollar Deals This weeks theme is on the newly released, Mickey Through The Years Set Three This was exclusively released at the Walt Disney Studios on March 20th 2014 Today, we are going to be searching for the best deals for. The Trade Game Mobile Cast Member Trading. Over the last couple months there had been rumors of a new way of in park trading beginning It looks like that new form of swapping vinyls is starting to be seen A few days back the first photo surfaced from Kiyoshi Kuramoto which shows a cast member in Disneyland. Details on the Cast Member Trade Me Vinylmation Belt. While the Disney theme parks have seen a reduction of trade boxes, ther e have been rumours of some cast members having a Trading Belt but as of yet, I had never seen any evidence of this, until today, when Vinylmation Kingdom reporter Kiyoshi Kuramoto sent in the following photograph of. No Vinylmation Day at 2015 WDW Trading Event GenEARation D. Each year in September, Walt Disney World holds a weekend long, ticketed trading and merchandise event at the Epcot World Showplace For years, it was pins only Then, in 2010, they added Vinylmation to the the event The following year, Vinylmation took over Sunday and was turned into its own ticked day There will be no such day at the 2015 event titled GenEARation D. The GenEARation D event will focus primarily on Disney Pin Trading While you are welcome to bring Vinylmation figures to trade with other Guests, we will not be offering Vinylmation trading activities or selling Vinylmation figures at the event. This is a huge and disturbing shift in the hobby While many will rush to judgement and put the nail in the Viny lmation coffin, Im not sure that death is eminent This is however, very disappointing With the lack of free trade nights at the parks, this was the one time of year, a large group of collectors, could really look forward to getting together and trading face to face I will also miss the Vinylmation Talk that provided previews and months of content to discuss among the community Many will miss the merchandise I will not miss the trading with Cast Members at this particular event I have said all along, that Vinylmation trading does not work the same way as pins, and that trade format for Vinylmation is just not as effective as shown in the disinterest in standing in the lines for many attendees. So what does this mean That is a question we will be pondering online and on the Destination Vinylmation podcast for weeks to come, I assure you that In short, I think this solidifies vinyls shift from its attempt to be the next Pins to being a boutique like art souvenir item at the parks Please le ave your comments here in this post and we will share them on the next podcast. Pins have made some significant changes as well including vouchers designating your number of trades and guaranteed pins that used to randomly placed on the boards Read the entire Disney announcement here. For all your Vinylmation news, please check out DestinationVinylmation. Guide to Vinylmation Trading Online. Welcome to the DisKingdom Guide to Trading Online. Trading online has become a major part of Vinylmation for the majority of Vinylmation collectors, as the ability to trade with anyone for anything in any country is a very powerful tool While trading at stores, theme parks or at trading events is simple, this isnt always as effective for getting what your after Being able to trade 1 figure to another that you need is why online trading has become such a hit. Trading online can be done in a number of different ways including any method of communication that you might like to use such as Twitter, Instagram , Forums, Facebook Groups or through Apps like ChasingVinylmation or MouseVault. DisKingdom itself runs a few different Facebook Groups which allow collectors to trade together as well as buy and sell with one main group for trading. Each group will have its own rules so its always wise to check with those rules before trading However there are some general hints and guidelines that will make your experience more pleasant. If you have a problem, first try to handle it yourself with the other party If you are still having issues, you should contact one of the Admins Administrators of the group who will try to assist you with your trade. Feedback is important, not just for the person your trading with but also for yourself, so its always worth reporting good feedback through a groups feedback system. The trade is between yourself and another partner, so its always worth checking their feedback before agreeing a trade Also check the profile of the person involved, if its a new profile, a non-H uman name or a minor, it might be best to check with an admin first. No Group will take liability of your trading but will help in any way they can. Remember the motto If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. When trading, its best to take a photograph of your traders and post it on the Group, then post a list of your wants or a link to your wants list such as ChasingVinylmation Being more specific about what your after can save a lot of peoples time including your ownmunication is the key, messaging the other party with information such as when the item was posted, Shipping Confirmation number and also when it arrives, really does make a difference to the overall experience If there is a delay in shipping or something comes up, let the other party know. If your not willing to trade internationally, then state so in your listing as there are hundreds of collectors from outside the United States and it can save time for both parties. If your located outside the US, its worth mention ing your location in your posts to avoid disappointment when people back out when they realize your international. If you have traded or sold an item, make a note of it in your post to inform people whats available or not, or simply delete the original post and post a new traders picture with only those figures shown that are available. Be polite Be courteous Don t be argumentative or overly sarcastic to people We re adults or should act like one Breaking common decency rules can cause problems and getting into slinging matches with other collectors isnt going to do anyone any favors Bullying will generally never be accepted anywhere. Check who your trading with. Guide to Vinylmation Trading in Stores Parks. Vinylmation Trading is a major part of the hobby due to the way Vinylmation is sold in blind boxes, resulting in duplicates or unwanted figures which can be traded in person at selected Disney Stores, locations at Disney Theme Parks and trade events. Store will usually have either a Clea r trading box which any vinyl can be traded for. Some selected locations can have Mystery boxes some do differ in sizes which you can trade for a figure contained behind one of the numbers. Here are some official rules and guidelines for trading at Disney Stores Not all stores have Clear or Mystery Boxes. Tips for Vinylmation Trading.1 Trade with Cast Members from the Mystery Trade Box and or from the Open Trade Me Box.2 Vinylmation figure must bear a Disney mark, and either a Vinylmation Logo or Art of Disney Theme Parks logo at the bottom foot stamp.3 Vinylmation figure should be in good, original, undamaged, tradable condition.4 Create-Your-Own Vinylmation figures are not accepted for trade.5 Guest may only trade for a Vinylmation figure that is in the same proportion to the one being offered for trade.6 Additional items e g packaging, product cards, buttons, etc are not required to be offered in trade when trading with Cast Members.7 Guest may trade a maximum of one 1 Vinylmation figu re per activity, per location, per day.8 When trading from Open Trade Me Box, Guest should offer a Vinylmation figure not currently displayed in the box.9 Monies, gifts or receipts may not be exchanged or used in trade for a Vinylmation figure. Please note, some stores and cast members can use different rules, so its best to check with a Cast Member member of staff before conducting a trade. D-Street often enforces the rules much more stricter than any another trading location and often applies the Must Trade policy where you will give up your figure for trade and receive what ever you pick from the box or clear box. Here are the trading locations for Walt Disney World as well as for Disneyland in California, Hong Kong and Paris. Walt Disney World Trading Locations. Trading Post Frontierland at Magic Kingdom. MouseGear and Disney Traders at Epcot. Villains in Vogue at Disneys Hollywood Studios. Island Mercantile at Disneys Animal Kingdom. D Street and Disneys Pin Traders at Downtown Disney. Disn eyland Resort Trading Locations. The Star Trader and Disneyana at Disneyland Park. Off the Page at Disney California Adventure. D Street at Downtown Disney. Disneyland Paris Trading Locations. Star Traders Disneyland. World of Disney The Village. Newport Bay Hotel. Pueblos Trading Post Disneyland. Animation Store Hollywood Studios. Hong Kong Disneyland. HONG KONG DISNEYLAND PARK. Main Street USA Emporium. Tomorrowland Star Command Suppliers. Adventureland Professor Porter Trading. Fantasyland Storybook Shoppe MYSTERY BOX. HONG KONG DISNEYLAND HOTELS. Disneyland Hotel Kingdom Gifts. Hollywood Hotel Celebrity Gifts. This video was originally released via the Disney Park Blog in 2010, so while some of the rules have changed, this still gives you an idea of how to trade. Trading also can take place within stores or around the Theme Park with other collectors either by chance that you both are trying to trade at the same time or your at an Trading event either officially run by Disney or a fan run trade event. There have been reports that trading between collectors within D-Street have been discouraged and trading outside the stores isnt frowned upon. New WHO child growth standards catch on. Since 2006, when the World Health Organization launched the new Child Growth Standards, over 140 countries have adopted them Gozde Zorlu talks to Dr Mercedes de Onis about why these represent a new approach and why they are useful. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 201189 250 251 doi 10 2471 BLT 11 040411.Dr Mercedes de Onis. Dr Mercedes de Onis is the coordinator of the Growth Assessment and Surveillance Unit at the World Health Organization WHO She led the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study from its inception to the establishment of the WHO Child Growth Standards A 1981 graduate of the University of Medicine in Madrid, Spain, de Onis completed training 1984 1986 in public health and epidemiology at the School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University She then joined the US National Institutes of Health where she wrote her doctoral dissertation on fetal growth retardation. Q What are the WHO Child Growth Standards. A These charts are a simple tool to assess whether children are growing and developing as they should They can also be used to see whether efforts to reduce child mortality and disease are effective The new standards demonstrate for the first time ever that children born in different regions of the world, when given the optimum start in life, have the potential to grow and develop to within the same range of height and weight for their age The WHO standards are being widely used in public health and medicine and by governmental and health organizations for monitoring the well-being of children The standards are also used for detecting children not growing to full capacity or those who are under - or overweight on average. Q What was the method of measuring children s growth before. A Before the Child Growth Standards were developed, WHO had been recommending the use o f the US National Center for Health Statistics growth references since the late 1970s. Q How does today s growth standard differ from the growth references used before. A The new standard establishes breastfeeding as the biological norm and the breastfed infant as the standard for growth and development Previous reference charts were based largely on the growth of infants fed formula milk The WHO Child Growth Standards are global and for all children, in contrast to the previous international reference based on children from a single country the United States of America USA. Q What is the difference between a growth standard and a reference. A A growth reference provides a basis for making comparisons but deviations from the pattern it describes are not necessarily evidence of abnormal growth A standard, on the other hand, embraces the notion of a norm or desirable target, a level that ought to be met, and therefore is a more effective guide to, and evaluator of, interventions to improve h ealthy development and growth In 1993, WHO undertook a comprehensive review of these growth references It concluded that they had biological and technical drawbacks and recommended a novel approach a standard rather than a reference. Q How were the WHO growth standards developed. A The WHO growth standards are based on data from the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study 1997 2003 , which applied a rigorous method that serves as a model of collaboration for conducting international research The study provided a solid foundation for developing a standard because the sample was based on healthy children raised in environments that do not constrain growth Furthermore, the mothers of the children selected for the construction of the standards engaged in fundamental health-promoting practices, namely breastfeeding and not smoking Rigorous methods of data collection and standardized procedures across the six study sites Brazil, Ghana, India, Norway, Oman and the USA yielded very high-quality d ata The generation of the standards followed state-of-the-art statistical methods. Q What is the connection between the WHO growth standards and infant and young child feeding practices. A The growth of an infant is strongly linked to how he or she is fed The nutritional, immunological and growth benefits of breastfeeding have been proven, and so the breastfed infant is the natural standard for physiological growth The adequacy of human milk to support not only healthy growth but cognitive development and long-term health provided a clear rationale for basing the WHO growth standards on breastfed infants With the new growth standards, not only do paediatricians have a better tool to monitor the growth of breastfed infants but also health policies and public support for appropriate infant feeding practices will be strengthened. Q How many countries have adopted the WHO growth standards since 2006.A Over 140 countries had adopted them by early March 2011 and are at different stages of their implementation Similarly, many scientific bodies have endorsed the use of the WHO growth standards, while United Nations agencies use them as the common yardstick to assess and monitor child growth The shift from the old US National Center for Health Statistics reference to the new WHO growth standards has provided a unique opportunity to promote best practices For example, many countries have started measuring height and assessing body mass index to monitor the double burden of malnutrition, that is, problems of undernutrition, like stunting, and problems of overweight and obesity. Q What are the challenges countries face in implementing the standards. A Rolling out new growth charts is a daunting task It affects all levels of the country s health system and concerns not only clinicians and health practitioners but also nutritionists, dietitians, public health specialists, child and health advocates, parents caregivers and researchers Many countries have redesigned their child health r ecords, upgraded their anthropometric equipment and retrained health staff to incorporate the WHO standards into their work Some countries are working also to raise awareness on the importance and utility of monitoring child growth, and have redesigned their surveillance systems, so that they are more useful in decision-making Each of these aspects has required a major effort of implementation and allocation of resources. Q How can the standards be used. A In addition to the traditional uses of growth curves, the development for the first time of what are known as growth velocity standards provides a set of unique tools for monitoring the rapid and changing rate of growth in early childhood and thus the early identification of children at risk of becoming under - or overweight Likewise, the availability of indicators for body mass index and skinfold thickness are particularly useful for monitoring the growing epidemic of childhood obesity Additionally, the development of what we term Win dows of Achievement for six key motor development milestones provide a unique link between physical growth and motor development sitting without support, hands-and-knees crawling, standing with assistance, walking with assistance, standing alone and walking alone. Q What does it mean when an infant drops below or slips above the lowest level of weight or height for their age Or are the WHO growth standards a one-size that fits all. A It may not necessarily mean there is anything wrong with the child it means that the paediatrician has to pay attention For children up to about 10 years of age, the WHO study and many others have demonstrated that children have the potential to grow similarly on average provided they are given proper care, feeding and immunizations There is no such thing as a one size in growth patterns, but a distribution of values from 0 to 100 percentiles that make it possible for genetically tall and short children to be part of the same healthy distribution. Q How do th e growth standards help achieve the Millennium Development Goals MDGs. A The standards will play an important role at the national, regional and international levels in monitoring progress towards meeting the MDGs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 that depend on ensuring proper growth and development of children Until now, an adequate measurement tool did not exist. Q So are the WHO growth standards more useful in developing countries. A No, they are intended to monitor the growth of every child worldwide, regardless of ethnicity, socioeconomic status and type of feeding Many developed countries are concerned about obesity in young children, for example, but have local growth curves that identify the problem only after a child has become obese For such countries, the WHO standards are also a useful tool for identifying overweight and obesity before they become too difficult to prevent or control. Q What difference will the WHO growth standards make for the children themselves. A The WHO standards represent an important step towards achieving the right of every child to grow and be healthy They provide sound scientific evidence that young children from different regions experience, on average, similar growth patterns when their health and nutrition needs are met As such, they can also be used to assess compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which recognizes the duties and obligations to children that cannot be met without attention to normal human development Derived from a worldwide sample of children, the WHO Growth Standards show that environmental differences rather than genetics are the principal determinants of disparities in physical growth. Q How will the WHO growth standards support implementation of the WHO Global Strategy on Infant and Young Child Feeding. A The standards are a crucial new tool for monitoring infant and child growth and for evaluating efforts to implement the global strategy As such, they provide a means to advocate for the protection, prom otion and support of breastfeeding and adequate complementary feeding Full implementation of the objectives of the global strategy will enable supportive environments for mothers to breastfeed their children The WHO growth standards provide the necessary measurement and evaluation tool for parents, caregivers, health practitioners, policy-makers and advocates with which to monitor healthy growth, ensure timely screening and treatment and recommend and follow appropriate nutritional practices. Microsoft Training Plan Schedule Template. Free Download Share. Create a Basic Outline of Your Training Session. Every training activity comprises sessions, classes, events and lot of small details which you must be aware of at all times A skipped session can result into heavy loss if you have not been paying attention To rectify this, download training schedule template for free and always stay in touch with your next session. Why Do You Need Training Schedule Template. Training Organisation helps you to gain that much needed expertise and experience which can lead you to your goal achievement By remaining in control of your surroundings, you sign yourself up to the sweet success at the end of your training plan template. Like every other course of action, training session also needs planning and implementing of effective techniques to reach your goal work schedule template Now, there are a hundred little details to take care of such as objective of the training, time, location of the training center, calendar, and tests at the ends and so on. Fix your training schedules competently and never miss a session. If you have any DMCA issues on this post, please contact us. Thursday, April 12, 2012.Buying SVXY Calls when the VIX Spikes. Based upon some of the emails I have received this week, it appears that a number of readers have been focused on buying some of the inverse VIX ETPs notably XIV and SVXY when they saw the VIX spike Some have preferred shorting VXX TVIX and UVXY based partly on availability, while others have preferred to trade VXX options, generally by buying puts or limiting risk with the likes of a bear call spread. I had thought that my recent Options on UVXY and SVXY Open Up New VIX ETP Trading Approaches might nudge some traders into considering strategies involving the 2x leveraged long VIX short-term futures ETF UVXY and perhaps utilize the -1x short VIX short-term futures ETF SVXY as well, but based on the volumes, these issues are still in the process of gaining a broader audience In fact, UVXY did see record call volume of 7300 contracts on Tuesday, but SVXY has been the laggard so far, as the graphic below illustrates. So here is a thought the next time the VIX has a significant spike, one of the first trades you should investigate is fading that spike by buying SVXY out-of-the-money calls This is a simple trade and has the potential to be quite profitable The SVXY April 90 calls, for instance, have jumped 40 from Tuesdays close. The exciting news a bout options on SVXY and UVXY is that traders can now easily structure a broad variety of trades that involve defined risk and substantial upside While VXX and VIX options are still the gold standard in terms of liquidity, SVXY and UVXY options also deserve some love even if the spreads are still wider than those of VXX. Disclosure s long XIV and SVXY, short VXX, TVIX and UVXY at time of writing Livevol is an advertiser on VIX and More. Tuesday, March 27, 2012.Options on UVXY and SVXY Open Up New VIX ETP Trading Approaches. Whether or not I find it useful to flog the wounded horse otherwise known as the VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Short-Term ETN TVIX , it seems as if investors and the media insist that the wild and crazy story of this 2x VIX futures ETN remain on the front page for now. While the TVIX story is indeed a fascinating one see links below for more details , I fear it has crowded out a potentially more useful development from last week that has been criminally overlooked, the la unch of options on two important VIX ETFs. ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF UVXY. ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF SVXY. First off, note that the fact that these two products are exchange-traded funds instead of exchanged-traded notes means that it was much easier for options to be approved While their more famous ETN counterparts, TVIX and XIV grab most of the headlines, the addition of options means that traders now have much more flexibility in terms of strategy and tactics with UVXY and SVXY. In the past when I have mentioned how options on VIX ETPs were critical to their long-term success, I was met with a few electronic blank stares Part of this reflects that fact that many have been drawn to the VIX ETPs for the potential to reap huge profits in a short period of time more on this in The Trader Development Stage Model and the Jump from Stocks to Options with leveraged trades Talk to most professional options traders, however, and leverage is rarely a factor they mention as a reason for their focus on options trading In fact, pros are more likely to cite the two key advantages of options as their flexibility and ability to structure defined risk or limited risk trades. This brings me back to options on UVXY and SVXY With UVXY down 83 for the quarter as of yesterdays close, one would think that defined risk positions on the long or short side would be a critical factor in structuring future trades With the huge contango and negative roll yield currently in the VIX futures, a directional bet in either direction entails huge risk For shorts, this means that a short position can have its risk capped by buying UVXY calls For longs this means that a long position can also limit risk by buying puts. There are other ways to implement defined risk trades, notably with vertical credit spreads and vertical debit spreads where gains and losses are limited to the distance between strikes Traders can also just simply buy puts and calls to put a directional ide a to work, knowing that their maximum loss will be limited to the purchase price. In hard to borrow situations which are common with some VIX ETPs traders can also use options to create a synthetic position For instance, a long put plus a short call is the equivalent of a synthetic short, so if no shares are available to borrow, a synthetic position might be an excellent proxy, with the same profit and loss potential as a standard short position, yet typically tying up a lot less trading capital. Note that the markets for options in UVXY and SVXY are only one week old and not particularly liquid at this stage On the other hand, volumes are ramping up quickly see graphic of UVXY options volume, etc below and the flexibility and risk control inherent in options products makes these attractive, particularly so when applied to highly volatile products like UVXY and SVXY. Disclosure s long XIV and SVXY, short TVIX and UVXY at time of writing Livevol is an advertiser on VIX and More. Monday, Aug ust 17, 2009.How to Trade the VIX. Based upon the search terms that are landing visitors on the blog this morning, it seems as if many readers are interested in how to trade the VIX This question really boils down to two separate issues strategies and trading vehicles. Since I have talked about strategies repeatedly in this space in the past, I thought I would offer a quick summary of trading vehicles today. First off, it is not possible to trade the VIX directly Formally known as the CBOE Volatility Index, the VIX calculates market expectations of 30 day implied volatility for SP 500 index options The VIX sometimes referred to as the cash or spot VIX is a statistic that the CBOE calculates and disseminates every 15 seconds during the trading day While widely disseminated, this statistic is not available for purchase. Fortunately, there are a number of VIX derivatives that allow traders to take positions on the VIX without owning the underlying In no particular order, they are. VIX options these include standard options as well as VIX binary options. VIX futures standard VIX futures contracts have a contract size of 1000 times the VIX the recently added mini-VIX futures have a contract size of 100 times the VIX. VIX ETNs currently consists of two exchange traded notes the iPath SP 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN VXX and the iPath SP 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN VXZ The former targets one month VIX futures and the latter targets five month VIX futures. In addition to VIX products, one can always trade options on the SPX or SPY A long VIX position is very similar to a long SPX straddle or strangle a short VIX position is very similar to a short SPX straddle or strangle. For some additional reading on these subjects, readers are encouraged to check out. Virtual Stock Trading for Kids. Are you looking for ways to teach kids about how the stock market works Ive found a couple of stock trading games for kids that will simulate real-life trading and give kids a sense of what its like to invest in the real stock market. Create public or private games with a cash balance you set. Choose from thousands of available games. Test your strategy with a personal portfolio. Leverage powerful news and research resources from MarketWatch. Their virtual stock exchange allows you to practice buying and selling real stocks using imaginary money for the purpose of gaining experience with stock trading This is also known as paper trading or fantasy trading. Recommended book for further investing instruction. The Best Indicator it operates around the clock and has high liquidity and tight spreads Futures are standardized contracts to buy or sell certain assets at specified prices in the future, with a market that is well regulated and quite transparent for investors Options are financial instruments that give you the right to buy, sell or keep certain assets at set prices when the expiration date matures. Best Strategies for FOREX Trading. As mentioned, there are no particular best strategi es for FOREX trading Novice investors must begin by learning the basics of FOREX trading You must be patient and invest your money gradually to avoid huge losses, and consult a FOREX broker or agent to assist you in setting up an account in your preferred option Finally, acquire a suitable FOREX trading platform to assist you in trading FOREX online effectively from the comfort of your home.

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